Clinical Genetics & Metabolism Elective

Elective in Medical Genetics

Elective Director:

Name: Caleb Rogers, MD


Pager: 13527

Office location: RJH4528

Elective Duration:

3 weeks preferred, 2 weeks possible. Please contact us at least one month prior to the anticipated start date so that we can look at clinic availability. Rotation Schedules

Elective description:

The main focus of this elective is to further train pediatric residents in the realm of pediatric medical genetics and to provide experience with genetic conditions they would not get elsewhere during their residency. The need for medical genetics services has been growing quickly and the medical genetics workforce has not been able to keep pace. As a result, many pediatricians will be responsible for ordering genetic testing after providing informed consent. They also may need to initiate management for genetic conditions. Pediatricians may also be responsible for interpreting results of genetic testing done by families on a direct-to-consumer basis. There is little training in medical genetics during standard pediatric residency training. This elective will provide more exposure to the field of medical genetics and provide opportunity to obtain informed consent for genetic testing.

Resident expectations on elective:

This elective is offered to pediatric residents under the supervision of the medical genetic faculty. It will be offered throughout the year, though this is subject to availability if there are genetics fellows and medical students also on their pediatric genetics rotations. One resident is allowed per month and will be determined on a first come, first served basis. The patient load (for documentation purposes) will be determined at the discretion of the attending physician or genetic counselor in clinic. Patient summaries will be available before clinic and it is expected that the resident come to clinic with background knowledge regarding the diagnosis if it is known, or specific history questions or possible diagnoses if the diagnosis is unknown. Expectations/learning objectives for the rotation:

-Obtain a family history and draw a 3-generation pedigree

-Recognize common inheritance patterns (clinically and from a pedigree)

-Become familiar with the terms used in dysmorphology and recognize them on physical examination

-Recognize features and diagnostic criteria for common genetic syndromes

-Be able to describe the different types of genetic testing and their uses (e.g. chromosome microarray)

-Perform basic pretest genetic counseling (with genetic counselor guidance)

-Recognize the role of the pediatrician in the care of children with genetic diagnoses

-Become familiar with various genetic databases and resources (e.g. OMIM and Genereviews)

In addition to the clinical responsibilities, the resident will also attend medical genetics Grand Rounds, Pediatric Grand Rounds, and fetal therapy conference.


~8am-5pm M-F in outpatient clinic with the opportunity to participate in inpatient consults depending upon the daily schedule and resident interest. There is generally no clinic on Thursday mornings. There is an occasional pediatric oncology genetics clinic Thursday afternoons.

Rotation Schedules: Residents are expected to be present and prepared for all daily patient-related activities and learning experiences. There is no night call during this rotation.