
Rotation Director:

Name: Danny Hsia, MD

Email: hsia@ohsu.edu

Office: CDRC 2234

Phone: 8-4955

Pager: 16971


Three weeks of outpatient experience and inpatient consult service in pediatric pulmonology.

Rotation goals and objectives:

1. Demonstrate effective oral and written presentations for pediatric pulmonary patients.

2. Develop a medical knowledge base in topics relevant to Pediatric Pulmonology. Areas of special focus are: comprehensive examination of the respiratory system, utilization and understanding of PFTs, cystic fibrosis, asthma, shortness of breath, chronic cough, as well as the evaluation of children for obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

3. Recognize the difficulties that patients with chronic lung disease and their families face.

Prior to the start of the rotation:

1. Please contact Dr. Hsia during the week before the rotation to set up a meeting on the first day of the rotation so we can review the curriculum.

2. Receive signout from the preceding residents on consult patients

First day of the rotation:

Come in prior to morning report and review the shared inpatient list. You will discuss the plan for the day with the pulmonology attending on at 9 AM in the SSA workroom. In addition, you should already have a meeting set up for this first day with Dr. Hsia to review the curriculum and Dr Hsia will email a schedule of clinics to attend during your rotation.

Resident Expectations:

1. You are NOT a member of Subspecialty team. Although attendance at inpatient SSA rounds is encouraged if no other consults or learning activities. Your primary responsibilities are pulmonary outpatient clinics and inpatients consults.

2. You will work in close collaboration with the inpatient attending to provide the pediatric pulmonary consult service. There is a shared pediatric pulmonary inpatient list "PED PUL INPT", which has been shared with you. If you do not have access, please email Danny Hsia. The goal is to identify consults as early as possible in the morning to assure that you will have adequate time to review the case, discuss them with the attending and relay recommendations to the patient's treatment team. You are expected to write consult notes with particular emphasis on the assessment and recommendations.

3. Attending 4 general in-person pulmonary clinics, 1 virtual pulmonary clinic, 1 CF clinic, and 1 Sleep during the 3-week rotation is mandatory. Look at the clinic schedule for the afternoon in the morning to pick and choose based on the educational goals of the rotation. You can and should then tell the inpatient attending the plans you have for the afternoon to better plan the morning.

4.Doernbecher Pediatric Sleep Clinic: Please email attending at least one day prior to attending clinic. We love to have residents in the sleep clinic, but need to know that you are coming!

    • Dr. Holger Link: Tuesday afternoons; Doernbecher 7th Floor; Wednesday afternoons: Virtual

    • Dr. Elizabeth Super: Monday mornings and afternoons: Doernbecher Happy Valley: 10195 Sunnyside Road. Free parking! Wednesday afternoons: Virtual.

    • Dr. Jillian Sanford: Monday and Thursday mornings and afternoons: Virtual. Will start face to face clinics on Thursday afternoons in September at Cornell West. 1500 NW Bethany Boulevard, Beaverton, Oregon, 97006.

5. You will perform a pulmonary function test and review the proper technique and criteria for a valid test with the respiratory therapist. The respiratory therapist will review basic asthma inhaler technique with you. Please email Carly Saxton (bacchussc@ohsu.edu) at beginning of rotation to arrange time that is mutually convenient.

6. RT shadowing day. Email Josh Cushing (cushingj@ohsu.edu) and Dr Hsia to schedule

7. Review PowerPoint on PFT interpretation (PFT interpretation PowerPoint). Dr. Hsia will arrange a time, usually on Thursday, to sit down with residents and review PFT interpretations as well as have resident interpret PFTs.

General Schedule:

Dr Hsia will email you clinic schedule for the 3 week period that you are on. Please review and email him your clinic selections. You are in charge of making your schedule to meet the requirements of the rotation as written above. You are also expected to attend all of your required pediatric conferences, and you should inform your attending when it is time for you to go to these.

Clinics Schedule:

Mondays PM: CF clinic (DCH 7th floor and virtual)

Mondays PM: DAC clinic 1st, 3rd and 4th Mon. (PPV 2nd floor)

Mondays and Tuesdays: 8-5pm: Sleep (HRC 13th floor)

Tuesdays: 8:30-noon: CF clinic (DCH 7th floor and virtual)

Tuesdays: 1-5pm: General Pulmonary clinic (DCH 7th floor and virtual)

Wednesdays: 1-5pm General Pulmonary Clinic - 3rd week/month (DCH 7th floor)

Wednesdays: 1-5pm CF infant clinic - 2nd/4th weeks/month (DCH 7th floor)

Wednesday: 8:30-12pm/1-5pm: Sleep clinic (HRC 13th floor)

Wednesday: 8-5pm: General Pulmonary (Cornell West - please discuss with attending)

Thursdays: 1-5pm General Pulmonary Clinic (DCH 7th floor and virtual)

On days you have continuity clinic please remind your attending and forward your pager to them.

If you are going to be absent for all or part of a day:

1. Contact the chief residents and Mike Grubbs

2. Notify Danny Hsia via email

3. Notify the attending pulmonologist on the day of absence

Resident Resources, Helpful Tips, and Further Readings:

    • Must-reads: resp failure in childhood, PFT interpretation ppt, 2020 NHLBI Asthma Guidelines

    • Further readings based on subject. (change link to ped pulm reading list on Box)