-Getting To Know Ms. Davis

By: Craig W.

In my former English classroom, room 306 at the Ivanna Eudora Kean High, is a teacher like no other. Ms. Theresa Davis is a hardworking teacher who likes to challenge her students and test their abilities for the future. She also loves what she does, and does it with a passion.

Ms. Davis spent her first four years in Dominica with her four brothers, Deo, Lincoln, Michael, and Davis, and four sisters Mary, Cathrine, Correen and Janice. After four years of living in Dominica, Ms. Davis moved to St. Thomas. She said, “The reason I moved to St. Thomas was because of my parents,” and once she was on the island, she knew she could get better opportunities. “My mother owns Patsy’s Place, a restaurant located in Compass Point.”

Ms. Davis attended the Ivanna Eudora Kean High School. She didn’t know then what she wanted to have for her career. It took her four years and the advice of her best friend to finally decide what she wanted to do, which was to become a teacher. After high school, she moved to Pennsylvania and attended the Point Park University for five years. She said, “At the end, I graduated with my English degree and Secondary Education degree, and I’m now currently working on my masters.”

Becoming a teacher was a dream job for her. Ms. Davis said, “I’ve taught in Virginia, Alaska, St. Thomas, and in Pennsylvania.” When asked how many years she has been teaching, she blushed. “Over 10 years, I don’t want to reveal how old I am.”

Ms. Davis was born to change lives of young students who have problem in English, and as a former student, I can see what she meant. She makes sure that every student who she taught is ready for the future. With excellent teaching skills and her many years of experience, Ms. Davis said, “My favorite teacher, Ms. Tulip Fleming, inspired me, and I wanted to become just like her.

She says she will never retire. “I love my job, and plan to remain teaching till I die.” Wow, now that’s something you never hear!

Ms. Davis loves her job like no other would ever love theirs. The hardest thing about teaching is motivating the students and Ms. Davis does this by forming relationship with her students. Students love to spend time with Ms. Davis, because she’s fun to be around with. She will make sure every student who’s in her classroom is doing something. She hates to see lazy children doing nothing.

When teaching, Ms. Davis stands in front of the classroom and projects her smooth, proper-English voice so every student could understand her. She makes sure every student understands their assignments. Putting a challenge to the students is how Ms. Davis motivates her students. She helps students with problems that they’re having in English and while she’s at it, she gets to know more about her students. Every lunch time students hang out in Ms. Davis’ classroom doing work or just chilling out.

She is the kind of person who would listen to any type of music, for instance, if she feels stressed out, she would listen to smooth music like blues. When asked her what kinds if sports she likes, she replied with a bright expression, “I love hockey, football and soccer are some sports I like.” She also loves to read various types of novels.

Ms. Davis is grateful of the way her life turned out because she is happy and loves the things she does. She has no children, but plans to get one, “It’s all up to God,” she added. Ms. Davis loves to travel because you can get to see the world. “Alaska, Japan and Ireland are some of the places I would love to live because of their culture,” Ms. Davis said with a beautiful smile, the same smile she gives everyday.