-FCCLA Is on The MOVE at I.E.K.H.S.

By Mervin Lewis

With signs all over the school, FCCLA is getting real notice! The organization is growing rapidly. Amazingly there are 33 students involved this year, and new members, male and female, can still join.

FCCLA stands for Family Career and Community Leaders of America. Allicia George, the current vice president of the organization, said the main goal is to show “that the family is needed foremost in order to succeed.”

Ms. Fielteau, the teacher who coordinates the program here at Ivanna Eudora Kean, said, “It helps students with leadership skills, to have networking skills, to earn community service hours, to develop communication skills, and to become positive members of the community.”

Felicia Felix, a long-time member of FCCLA who’s the current president, said, “Any career plan you want to achieve in life, the organization will certainly help. When it comes to jobs that require a lot communicating, FCCLA will help with that goal.”

Naquasha Lewis, a senior at Kean, said the organization does a lot of volunteer work. They served lunch to the homeless for Thanksgiving at the Ulla Muller School, gave gifts to elementary school children during Christmas, and held different clean-ups. They raised funds with cake and food sales to help out in the community.

The state advisor, Ms. Graham, supervises the program at

Eudora Kean, CAHS, Cancryn Junior High, and B.C.B Middle School.

Moreover, FCCLA has developed a program called the Family First program to show members of the family ways to deal with conflicts. Ms. Fielteau said, “ Different students give opinions. Also the students have resources to use in order to deal with family crises.”

In addition to strengthening family relationships, FCCLA also provides financial advice with Financial Fitness, a program that helps families make, save, and spend money wisely to be financially fit.

Also, the Power Of One program gives members the power to make a positive change in their families, careers, or communities, one goal at a time.

The president of FCCLA is Felicia Felix; the vice president is Allicia George: the treasurer is Naquasha Lewis; the secretary is Teliyah Pierre; the public relation officer is Jazzul France. Every year the officers change.

These members and the rest of the FCCLA family will be attending annual contests such as The Star Events Competition, Leadership Competition, and Job Interview Competition (summer 2013). Besides that, students will participate on online events such as NO Kid Hungry and the National Outreach Project.

Qianna Gordon, a senior at Kean,said, “I love being part of this organization because it’s so fun and keeps you well occupied. I just started FCCLA, and I’m able to handle my school work seriously while being part of FCCLA.”

Yes indeed, we’re proud to say FCCLA is on the move at Ivanna Eudora Kean!