-Kean Needs Your Email

By: Danox T.

“It's very beneficial for the whole school to receive the email of each student and parent,” said Ms. Michelle, the school head librarian.

The reason that the school needs students’ and parents’ emails is so Ms. Michelle could send to all members of the school community the weekly calendar via email. The calendar includes upcoming events and notices. The parents and the students will also have knowledge of the school achievements and reasons for celebration, for instance, whenever the school captures a championship in sports or any other academic activity.

For parents and students who don’t have an email account, they can find all the necessary information about the school and its activities by logging onto www.keanvi.com, which is the school’s ed-line web page. There is no need to have an email account to be able to complete this.

Parents and students can also complete surveys using the school’s ed-line page. Parents can also check their child’s performance in class by entering the necessary information using the ed-line page if the teacher is updating his/her ed-line page.

Those student who don’t have access to a computer can check the bulletin boards near the counselors’ offices, and across from the library where the weekly calendar is posted.

At Ivanna Kean the students have access to the library computers until 7 pm to complete class assignments. There they can also check the school’s ed-line page and their email account for the school’s calender. Teachers are also assigned to keep the students updated about the school’s notices and upcoming even. Below is a sample of what the school’s weekly calendar looks like: