-Senior Week Canceled


by: Jarvon S

The I.E.K.H.S Class of 2011’s Senior Week was canceled this year and many seniors were very upset upon finding out this news. Why wouldn’t they be? This event has been an ongoing tradition amongst others that has been carried out every year for many years. It’s one of the few privileges that seniors at Ivanna Eudora Kean have.

So what would stop such a tradition? Many rumors have been circulating, but the one rumor that seems to be going around the most is that a group of seniors (whose identity remains unknown) carried out an unauthorized water balloon fight in the school’s cafeteria after an important senior meeting. None of the perpetrators could be apprehended. As a result, the entire senior class had to suffer. Thus resulting in our canceled Senior Week.

Even though Senior Week was canceled, the seniors were still allowed to have one day to dress in professional wear on Tuesday, April 19th. Each senior who participated had to wear attire that suited what they will become upon graduating from college, or for some, high school. However, many seniors did not participate in the day’s event. Be that as it may, those who did participate were happy that the seniors still had a chance to do something, even after what had happened.

Despite what has happened, the senior class has many bigger and more important things to look forward to, such as Prom and of course, that big sigh of relief, Graduation. So keep your heads up seniors, the party isn’t over yet.