-Lunch League- Who Will Dominate?

by Tremaine George

It’s another school year at Ivanna Eudora Kean and the lunch league is about to kick off. The question that’s always going to come up is: Who’s coming out on top?

“The most dominant house in the league is Blue House,” said Mr. Peter Seipel, Kean High’s athletic director.

“There are five teams in the league: Blue House, Red House, Green House, Gold House and Orange House. On each team there are approximately 10 players, 15 players the max, that way everybody on the teams can get to play,” said Mr. Seipel.

“I also think that Blue House is the best house in the league,” said Mr. Joel Fleming, a physical education teacher at Kean.

But not everyone agrees that Blue House will win this year. “The house that I personally feel is going the go with it is Red House,” said Mr. Abioseh Bruce, a math teacher. “I think they are going to go with it this year because the star players that Blue House had that made them dominate the past couple of years are gone.”

“Really and truly there’s no best player because everybody plays at the same level,” added Mr. Fleming.

But Koi Thomas, who is currently a player on team Red House, is going to dominate this year, according to some students.

The lunch league takes place inside the Gymnasium. The games often do pull a big crowd because basketball is one of the most commonly played sports year round and is popular with spectators, especially when there is nothing to students to do for lunch time other than sitting down and socializing with their peers.

Some fans wonder if girls will start playing more often on the lunch league teams.

“Like two years ago they conjured a rule that said that at least one girl had to play on each team, and since they conjured up that rule only two girls have played,” noted Mr. Seipel.