-Harsh Criticism Towards Carnival Queen Contestant

“Harsh Criticism Towards Carnival Queen Contestant”

By: RFrancis

I was shocked, totally and utterly shocked by The Daily News article “Shawntay Henry Crowned Carnival Queen” on Monday, April 19, 2010. “Shawntay Henry sparkled from head to toe as she was crowned just before midnight Saturday at Lionel Robert Stadium,” Ailene Yasmin Torres wrote. This article upsets me for only one reason. It is not because Shawntay Henry won-- because she deserved it-- but because of how rudely Torres just said, “The contest left the third contestant, St. John resident and Ivanna Eudora Kean High School student Razzilee Oquendo, empty handed.”

If I were in Razzilee Oquendo’s position, I would have found this statement very offensive. Even though she did not come out on top, she still did a great job and left with a lot of experience. It was a little disappointing to see that a journalist couldn’t come up with anything more detailed to say; for example she could have said how lovely Miss Oquendo looked as she came out on stage with her hot, red dress with the diamond-studded high collar.

But at the end, Miss Oquendo showed her natural class by congratulating her fellow contestants. “Congratulations to Shawntay and Britanny,” Oquendo said. “They did a wonderful job.” Considering Razzilee’s statement showing her good sportsmanship, I think the journalist should just learn how to choose her words more carefully. Most people who come across this issue will just say “wow” and move on, but I decided to take a stand because this article might discourage many others from competing. Their feelings would be, if I am going to get talked down afterwards, why try?

Torres, Ailene Yasmin. “Shawntay Henry Crowned Carnival Queen”.

The Daily News 19 April 2010.