-Kean Mourns Death of Two Students, Prays For Injured Alumna

by Amaziah George

Early Sunday morning January 15, 2012, two Kean students lost their lives and a former student was seriously injured after a drunken driver swerved off the road.

The impact killed Aliya Robles, 17, and Jolicia Wilson,18 , and severely injured Shatina Garnette, 18, who graduated from Kean in June.

Shatina Garnette

Facebook erupted with posts as many Kean students changed their profile pictures to show their respect for the loss of life.

On Monday, January 16, students were pulled out of first period classes and put into counseling sessions where they planned a memorial service for later that night.

Hundreds showed up at 6 p.m. at the cafeteria that evening with white candles, flowers and teddy bears.

It was a hard moment to watch students and adults cry into each other’s arms. There was so much love, and pain in the room.

For more details, please follow the three links below:





As we receive news related to this tragedy, we’ll post it in the Breaking News section of this website.

To read an excellent article written by Shatina Garnette for keanwebexpress in Journalism class in 2011, please click the link to the sub page below.