-Soccer Season Starts In March

By: Derron

Daily News photo by Aaron Gray

The Ivanna Eudora Kean High School Soccer team is now looking for both male and female soccer players. Mr. Glen Monticeux, the coach of the Devil Rays Soccer team, said, “The reason I am looking for female students is because there is a female league for soccer, and I would like to have a female team and show them that soccer is just as good as the other sports we play at the school.”

The season starts late in March. Right now the soccer team is training after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm to 6:30pm.

Coach Monticeux said, “The season includes six games. You don't get kicked out a season for the games you lose. You only play six games whichever league you're in, male or female, and who wins the most games may play additional games at the end of the season.”

So who are the star players on the team? The answer the coach gave was, “There are a lot of candidates.” There is a promising newcomer Mitchley, and two strong players from last year, Donald Wright and Steve Davoren.

Steve Davoren blocks a kick

Daily News photo by Aaron Gray

The problem right now is the coach needs more players, “There are 12 players now on the team, but I need more for unlimited substitutions, 14 to 16 players.’’

The other problem is that there are not enough people who are interested in soccer coming to I.E.K.H.S. from the middle schools; all of the soccer players from the middle schools are going to C.A.H.S. and it is hard to get people who are interested in playing soccer. The coach said, “The last set of players I got were students who graduated high school two to three year ago.”

According to some of the soccer team members, this is a big problem. One player said, “We, the students, need to get the soccer team out there and get more students from the lower school to come to I.E.K.H.S. So we can get more players and have the school sports team the highest in the Virgin Islands.”

For more on the last year’s soccer season, follow this link in the Daily News:
