-Swim Classes Begin, Then End

By : Peaches Canada

‘’Swimming is fun. But at times it can be difficult,’’ said

Sheniqua Kean, a senior at I.E.K.H.S . She was a student in the swimming class located in the Aquatic Center, next to the National Guard Armory,

where she learned different techniques including the backstroke and breaststroke.

Sheniqua said that swimming is a sport that teaches you how to save your life. “For example, if you are in the ocean or a pool and you are drowning, you can always use your swimming techniques to save yourself if you are swimming alone. ’’

Sheniqua didn't know how to swim before she took the class. ‘’That’s why I enrolled in Mr. Seipel’s and Mrs. Matthias’s swimming class. I had so much fun because my class was a full class. It all seemed like one big pool party.’’

The swimming class was given at third period only in the first semester. Students were transported to the pool by the school van. The class was limited to 20 students. “Only 20 students could have taken the class because of the funding,” said Mr. Seipel.

The class was started two years ago and funded by the Department of Education. But unfortunately, the D.O.E.ran out of money. Luckily, this fall an anonymous donor said that he/she would come up with some money to pay for the class. “So anonymous, I don’t even know,” said Mr. Seipel.

But the donor stopped funding the program in January. “The class is not available right now because we had not one cent to pay for the class,’’ said Mr. Seipel.

Mr. Seipel added, ‘’We take people who cannot swim, so that they can learn how to swim.” He would like to find a new donor so that the program can continue.