-Art Class Creates with Nature

by A. P.

Five students in Ms. Lisa Etre’s Color and Design class were able to partake in an educational trip to St. John’s Cinnamon Bay on March 12, 2012 . This trip was taken to teach them about the V.I. National Park and its history. They also had speakers telling them about the Pre-Columbian and Danish settlers.

A V.I.N.P. tour guide took them to see artifacts found in graveyards. As they hiked on trails around ruins used by early settlers, they collected “found items,” like seeds, leaves, sticks, or even bottle caps to build dolls. The dolls they created were of anything meaningful to them. One student built a doll of his favorite basketball player while others built theirs on a mood that they were in or experienced many times.

Thanks to The Friends of the National Park and their Educational Grants, the Color and Design class was able to get the funding needed for the boat, tour guide, and taxi drivers needed to go on this trip.