-Aquaponics Class Sells Produce

By Shamal Matthew

Eudora Kean High School is the first public school in the territory to offer an Aquaponics program where students are learning how to grow, maintain and market tilapia fish and vegetables grown without soil. Here is an article by a student from 2012. -Aquaponics In Action

Aquaponics is important to our school, according to Mr. Kirk Lewis, the science teacher who directs the Aquaponics program, because it gives them real life experience.

In November 2012, Mr. Lewis proudly announced that he sold some lettuce grown by the students. “We are getting some feedback from the teachers and people we sold it to.” He also said they are hoping to sell vegetables every week. Mr. Lewis said they sell lettuce two dollars a bunch.

A question people have been asking is, What would happen if the power went off? Would the fishes die? Mr Lewis explained, “Not immediately; the fish would not die because they are able to survive in very difficult water, but if the power would stay out for two days, yes, they will die.”

Right now they are working to get a backup generator so that when powers goes off, the generator will provide power and maintain the fishes and plants.

This whole new project cost $85,000 to build.

Roosevelt Skerrit (left), the prime minister of Dominica, inspects the fish tanks