-Kean 's Soccer Team Gets Ready To Compete

EDITORS’ NOTE: Kean correspondent Sylvin LaGuerre interviewed one of the players of Devil Rays Soccer team, sophomore Jefferson Georges, to find out what’s ahead for the upcoming season.

He then met with the coach, Mr. Glen Monticeux.

Interview with Jefferson Georges:

Interviewer: How was the last season ?

Jefferson: “The last season was great, but the only thing is they did not organize it properly.’’

Interviewer: How do you feel when playing for the school?

Jefferson: ‘’I am not going to lie about it. We do not get support from students, which means that when we are playing, I can count the number of people watching the game on my fingers. Compare that to when the football team is playing. You can’t even get in because almost everybody comes to see the game.’’

Interviewer: How do you think the season will be this year?

Jefferson: ‘’We will beat every single team that we meet in our way, so we can get everything done.’’

Interviewer: Do you practice a lot ?

Jefferson: ” We don’t have a soccer field; therefore, we practice sometimes. We only practice when the season is going to start; that ‘s why sometimes we lose.’’

Interview with Mr. Glen Monticeux:

Interviewer: When will the season start ?

Mr. Glen Monticeux: ’’The season normally begins late March but this year : mid April.’’

Interviewer: How many players do you need on the team?

Monticeux: ‘’I need unlimited substitutions; however, at least fourteen players.’’

Interviewer: How strong is the team this year?

Monticeux: ‘’Not sure. Because we have not had any ‘good’ practice yet.’’

Interviewer: How many games will the I.E.K.H.S play?

Monticeux: ’’Six for the league, and hopefully some extra tournaments.’’

Interviewer: Is this part of the Inter-scholarship Athletic Association?

Monticeux: Yes.

Interviewer: How many female players do we have in the team?

Monticeux: ’’Maybe one.’’

Interviewer: Who are some of our outstanding players?

Monticeux: ‘’Some of our outstanding players are: Steve Davoren, Klinthon Delva, Sylvin Laguerre, Conell George, Fitzroy St.Jean, Donald Wright, Nkosi Jones ,Jefferson George and Shamall.’’

Interviewer: Do Kean players play on other team that you coach?

Monticeux: ‘’Yes.’’