-Ms. Jenicia Stephens

Ms. Jenicia Stephens

by Muffin I.

Children need attention! One woman who believes this is Jenicia Stephens, a paraprofessional at I.E.K.H.S. “Teaching and dealing with people in general is challenging. You have to be patient.”

I have seen Jenicia Stephens’ patience for almost a year and a half. Ms. Stephens is also the co-coach of I.E.K.H.S. Lady Rays basketball team. She lets us call her “Jen” and treats us like family. When we are losing a game, it does not feel like we are losing because Jenicia still shows encouragement and patience towards her players.

“ When she is nice, she likes to make us laugh with many jokes, but when she gets upset, she becomes very vicious,” said one of my teammates as she laughed.

Born on St.Thomas, Ms. Stephens spent much of her younger years living in Nadir and Tunkey, where she is one out of fifteen siblings. She attended Emanuel Benjamin Oliver, Ss. Peter and Paul, and Antilles schools. After working at the Department of Finance as a payroll reviewer for a year and a half, Stephens went off to college at Park City University in Kansas City, Missouri. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

Ms. Stephens, now in her early thirties, returned to the Virgin Islands in 2009. After filling out an application for opening at the Department of Education, she began working with high school children. Throughout her career, Ms. Jenicia Stephens has taught students from kindergarten to Grade 12.

Once Ms. Stephens began working with children, she liked that she was able to prepare them for their futures. There is not one thing Jenicia doesn’t enjoy about teaching. “I motivate my students by rewarding them for their hard work. I have an opportunity to share what I have learned and help others,” said Ms. Stephens as she brushed back her long, brown hair. She always stands with great posture while engaging in conversation with students as a way of setting a good example.

“I began doing activities that made my teaching interesting which allowed me to become very interested in helping others,” said Jenicia. Ms.Stephens does not only teach you how to do it, but she also works with you. When Ms. Stephens is coaching me, she does not just tell me what to do, but she also joins in and shows me.

Her greatest strengths are her ability to find ways to teach and keep everyone focused. Jenicia does not pick favorites; when it comes to teaching, everyone gets treated equally.“I try to be very helpful by letting the children know that I am here for them, but there is a boundary of respect and friendship,” said Jenicia.

Since September 2010, Ms. Stephens has been substituting at Kean High in different subjects. “I have not been a ‘para’ for very long, but so far the most frustrating thing to me is not being able to spend enough time with the children since I have not yet received my own class room,” said Jenicia.

Ms. Stephens is a team player who loves sports, especially basketball. “I also like to listen to my favorite music(R and B) and play computer games,” she added.

She is inspired by her mother and is also motivated by her daughter. “I have two children and family is the most important part in my life, but I still manage to make time to shop.”

She always dresses appropriately in comfortable clothing. On the day of the interview, Ms. Stephens wore a warm, knitted beige jacket and long,comfortable, black silky pants, The more comfortable she feels, the more confidence she has found within herself.

Ms. Jenicia Stephens believes that anyone can do anything that they set their mind to.