-Put Us on the Map

by Tremaine George

The International Small Fry League is a league for little boys and girls to represent the Virgin Islands in sports. The team members of the Jaguars are boys and girls that love basketball. Most are in elementary or middle school, but with their height and age they still dominated.


The Small Fry League was founded in 1968. It provides the development of smaller boys and girls from ages 9-13. The team gives them a chance to play on an international team around the world. Last April the Virgin Islands Jaguars traveled to Orlando, Florida.

The article “Height is not a Problem” got my attention because my little brother Le’Quan George, age 13, plays on that team. Growing up with him was never easy because he brags. He thinks he is better than everybody, and I mean everybody! Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that he was confident, but he seems to think he created his own skills. We came from a long line of athletes, and his favorite sport happens to be one of the sports that our family members had great skills in.

My little brother also plays in the Zero Tolerance League for St. Thomas. The little boys and girls that play on these teams got mad skills. You can come on down and see what I’m talking about.

The Small Fry Virgin Islands Jaguar Team's players are getting too tall and too old. So if you know someone with skills who is short enough, someone that you would consider a “Small Fry,” tell them to contact Coach Fred Kopko or Assistant Coach Wayne Harvey. If you can't reach them, you can visit the Bertha C. Boschulte Middle School on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.