-Have Gays Finally Gotten Their Wish?

By: Truth Hurts

Have you ever had a family member that was gay? Well I have and there is nothing wrong with that because it has nothing to do with you, me or anyone else in terms of our sexuality. Being gay is their choice.

On October 12, 2009 in Washington D. C., gays and people who support them went on a march. President Barack Obama had promised that gays will be allowed to serve openly in the military and that he would work to end discrimination against gays. They marched to let Obama know that they didn’t forget what he had promised them. We should care simply because everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech. They are entitled to be heard.

The gays have finally gotten one of their wishes! On October 28, 2009 President Barack Obama signed the Non Discrimination Act to protect gays, lesbians, blacks, whites, and everyone in general. It was named in honor of two people, Matthew Shepard and James Byrd. According to ABC News, Matthew Shepard was badly beaten and left tied to a fence to die, all because he was gay. Another victim was James Byrd, an African American, who was beaten so badly that he became unconscious; then he was tied to the back of a pick up truck by the neck, and was dragged for miles. They did not hurt anyone, but people killed them for being who they were. Thank God the law passed. These deaths are examples of how much people hate gays and African-Americans. Now they are somewhat protected from evil people we have in this world.

This Non Discrimination Act is a good law because now anyone can get into trouble if they discriminate against people because of their sexuality. We shouldn’t treat people like animals because they like the same sex. It’s their choice, so we need to stop discriminating against the gays. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. Life is too short for people to be hated on for stupidity. Now we might have a change in our lives, and the world in general might come closer to world peace.

Many of us might have a loved one who is gay, but their sexuality has nothing to do with us. All we could do is either be there for them, or not be around them because of what gender they like. If you think about it, if you can't be there for someone who is gay, then you are stereotyping. Only God can judge them. If God doesn't have a problem with the gays being gay, then no one else should. We must remember that God didn’t make people to judge one another or to even downgrade them. We all need to start showing respect to one another and make the world a different place.

So now the gays will be safer, but what will happen to those others who are facing discrimination or abuse? The gays are not the only people who need to get protection. What about everyone else? I mean, what happens to the people who get teased for wearing glasses, for having short hair, for talking differently, or even walking funny? So what will these people do? The gays should have remembered that they are not the only people out in this world that have things rough.