-Building a Mechanical Wonder from Scratch

Building a Mechanical Wonder From Scratch

by GodFather

The class assembles the crankshaft and flywheel first.

With a dream, wood, tools, spare parts and determination, Mr. Stan Lorbach, Mr. “Joe” Joseph and their 11 students in the Diesel Mechanics class built a see-through model of a diesel engine and entered it into the school S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering & Math) Fair on May 2nd, 2011.

This challenging project would also be used as demonstration for next year’s class when learning the parts of the diesel engine.

The mission of this project was to build interest in the field of mechanics and show students how much fun it can be to learn about the parts of the diesel engine, according to Mr. Lorbach, Marine Industry teacher. “It is fun because I learned about the parts of the engine” said L. Andrew, a student in the class.

The project also demanded commitment and teamwork by the students as they worked to make the demonstration a success.

The students worked together handing each other tools and supplies, measuring where to cut and various other activities.

The project, which took a whole semester, was time consuming but worthwhile. Through trial and error the class was finally able to produce the final product from the fruits of their labor. “Although challenging we pulled it off,” said L. Andrew.

One student completed the display board showing two piston heads, the connecting rod, piston compression and oil rings and various other parts of a diesel engine.

The students learned to use wrenches, drills, drill bits, screws, sockets, etc. Mr. Lorbach said, “I would like to see students in 10th grade take the class.” If the students are interested in the mechanics field, this is a big push towards their interests.

Mr. Joseph, the aviation teacher, said, “More students should take an interest in this field because of the money and fun behind it.”