-"Big Seip"

“Big Seip”

by Brent Fahie

Mr. Peter Seipel, better known as “Big Seip” by the students of Ivanna Eudora Kean High School, is the school's Athletic Director/ Physical Education Chairperson. I could not believe I got the interview with him knowing how much of a busy man he is. As I entered his office, it was the usual greeting, “What’s up, Fahie?”

I said, “I am good,” sat, and began the interview. The first question on my list was, “What is your name?” [His teacher/editor had told him to get the spelling right.]

He watched me as if I was crazy and said, “Really, I think you know that.” I asked Seip where he was born, and to the surprise of the other students in his office at the time, he said, “St.Thomas born and raised.”

When I asked about his childhood, he said, “Very entertaining and I enjoyed all aspects of it.” He went school at Saints Peter and Paul but “All Saints did not want me,” he said, which had the room laughing.

He was not always interested in taking up a career in teaching, but “I kinda fell into it,” he said. Mr.Seipel was inspired to be a NFL player and could have made it to play college ball, but an injury to the knee shattered his dreams in high school. I asked him what are some of the perks for being athletic director; he replied, “I get to go to all the school’s sports games for free and I get less of a class load.”

Mr. Seipel attended Saint Leo University where he spent some of the best days of his life. He gained a few nicknames some like “Big Bird,” undoubtedly for his size, and “Prince” because every one of his comrades (including himself) considers he has had a truly blessed life. When he was in school, he had a goal to graduate and to get his Master’s which he has succeeded in doing.

When I asked him about what he did in his spare time he said, “Well, I do not really have much spare time because of the job, but I like to go boating whenever i get the chance.”

I really found it hard to believe, but when his cell phone started ringing off the hook “I’m Sexy and I Know It,” I was convinced. He received many calls from different schools about games, appointments uniforms, and meetings; it would seem he does not have time to even watch NCAA.

He has a motto, “Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.” I told him he sounds like a religious man, and he stated that he is a lapsed Catholic who does believe in God and goes to church, but not as frequently and as loyally as a diehard Catholic. He values his life more than anything, but his Rolex is a close second. His hobbies are driving his car and watching ball games. He believes honesty is the best policy, so he keeps loyal and truthful people around him.

When I was interviewing him;, I came across a story he does not generally tell others, but I got the honor to hear. On April 19, 1996 at McDonalds in Wheatley Center,, St.Thomas, Mr. Seipel was stabbed. “It was so crazy how it happened, too. I was in the line, and then a crazy man ran up to me and started screaming the devil; he pulled out a shank and stabbed me in the stomach and the arm.” He said he has not faced any other major trials, but to me this is something big he had to overcome.

I started asking him if Kean High has enough sponsors and funds for all our sport activities, and he told me plainly “NO.” This is incredibly disappointing to hear because we have so many sports activities to fund.

In spite of the obstacles, he has a word of encouragement to students, “Strive for your goals and never let the world break you down.”