-Give Federal Agents Peace Officer Status

Give Federal Agents Peace Officer Status


I ask that our senators look again to Bill 29-0078 to confer peace officer status on federal agents in our territory.

According to this article in the Daily News, the V.I. Senate Committee on Public Safety, Homeland Security and Justice met to consider a bill that “would give federal agents in the territory the authority to enforce local law under certain circumstances.

“The issue of granting federal agents the authority to enforce local law has been a hot-button topic in the territory since July 2009, when it became public that the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had pulled its agents out of the Virgin Islands the previous fall, in the wake of a deadly shooting by an off-duty ATF agent.” http://virginislandsdailynews.com/news/v-i-senators-to-consider-peace-officers-and-tougher-sentencing-for-gun-crimes-1.1137508#axzz1Oh5p5bAS

With this status, I hope that we can reap the benefits of this partnership and resources of federal officers. Yes, it is just one of many pieces that should be used in our arsenal to combat crime. However, our lawmakers need to return to the bill and act on it with another legislative hearing.

I understand that the sponsor of the bill has been working on it for many years now. If it needs amendments, then I hope his colleagues can see the need for this legislation and move forward on it with their recommendations.

It has been tabled by the 29th Legislature, but everyday we see continuing violence in our community, and if an amended bill can be of any help, then we should use it.

The Virgin Islands is changing for the worse, and I, as a student in Ivanna Eudora Kean, think we need to make a change. If this bill is passed, then our territory might end the violence, and increase the peace, for that is the only way we can have a brighter future for the upcoming generation.

Now I ask the public what do you think we should do? Should we let the Senate decide on the bill by themselves, or give them a push in their decision? I think we should give them a push, so we can all have a peaceful life and fruitful future. Thank you for listening.