-Bad Hygiene!

Bad Hygiene

by Ms. Faudrois

Have you ever smelled a scent that made you want to die?! Made you feel like you wanted to cry?! Made you have regrets about talking to that particular person?

My name is Ms. Faudrois, and I have felt all those “emotions” before. There have been times too numerous to mention that I have taken punches from bad breath, uppercuts from underarms, and even nose bleeds from body hair.

It’s quite understandable that everyone has their days, but that day should not be everyday! Young “mature” high school students should take PRIDE in themselves.

Students, don’t ever leave the house without looking in the mirror first. Do a breath check and if you’re unsure of the results, walk with mints or gum ( the ones that burn) to freshen up your swagger.

Bright and early in the morning, I go through this type of odor punishment because students don’t follow these tips. I am always saddened by the fact that it’s so early in the morning. I mean, what kind of person comes to school and smells unhealthy?

I am very much a typical ordinary teenager. I am in high school, and honestly, most of the time I feel lazy and don’t bathe. But I can assure you that I make up for it by wiping off, putting on what I like to call “smells”(perfume), and always wearing deodorant. Like I said, everyone has their days .

I have had friends too numerous to mention that had no running water, and you’ll never know unless you ask them. I have noticed that those who do not have running water tend to be much cleaner than those who have it. They smell so clean!

There was a day that I stayed in school late just to wait on my brother, and I was accompanied by a friend who has absolutely no running water. I turned and I asked her, “ Well if you don’t have running water, why have I never smelled your breath before?”

She said, “Not because I have no running water means that I will carry myself like I have no pride.”

Please let me tell you that her words held me! My mouth dropped open. If I could, I would make her talk to everyone who I thought needed a motivational speech in hygiene.

I will never forget the day that I actually wanted to fight someone because I got completely tired of telling them constantly that they needed to work on their hygiene. It’s only so much you can say before you get upset.

The constant nagging to someone for their own good becomes overbearing because you feel they aren't helping themselves. I was always told when I was younger, “God Helps Those Who Helps Themselves,” but it seems that I am the only one that takes this saying seriously.

I mean, what kind of boy checks out a girl and doesn’t do the same to his breath? Fresh breath always makes a good impression on a girl. You might not have the prettiest eyes, or the straightest teeth, or even aligned ears. A girl can always say, “He really didn’t look all of that, but he had great hygiene!”

It’s not hard keeping clean. Teenagers should always freshen up. They can walk with wipes, breath mints, or even deodorant if they have to. If you are a person that doesn't like to be talked to about your hygiene, be responsible for your actions; take better care of yourself so that everyone around you can breath. Don’t think about yourself only, but think about the people inhaling all that bad air you’re giving off. By doing yourself that favor you are definitely helping people like me live a better life.

You’re a grown young adult, for God’s sake. You’re not in kindergarten anymore; take pride in yourself or just deal with the consequences of criticism!