-Dolphinarium: Good or Bad?

By. S.Y.V

Have you ever seen a real live dolphin? Well, I haven’t either and this is why I would love for St. Thomas to have a dolphinarium. I am confident that the new dolphin program will have an essential educational component and will, of course, be very entertaining.

Coral World has a Blue Flag certification program and has always been a great supporter of educational initiatives surrounding the environment in the USVI. “The USVI Hotel & Tourism Association’s Board of Directors is in full support of Coral World Ocean Park’s application to construct a dolphin habitat,” said Lisa Hamilton. http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2012/08/27/dolphin-swim-works-coral-world

Now that it has been approved, the dolphin habitat is going to be a boost to our tourism product. “Annually, thousands of cruise ship passengers and overnight guests board ferries to Tortola just for a chance to swim with dolphins. The monies these visitors are spending enrich the BVI, but do nothing for the businesses or the government in the USVI”, said Lisa Hamilton. Having a dolphinarium in St. Thomas will benefit the government and businesses in the territory.

According to Coral World manager Trudie Prior, the dolphin swim is an effort to make Coral World more financially viable after struggling for several years.

The dolphinarium was to open in the 2013-14 tourism season, but the opening year was changed to 2014 because there have been delays in the Coastal Zone Management process. The Planning and Natural Resources Department’s State Historic Preservation Office had to first complete a study to determine if there are any historic artifacts in the area before the project could go to public hearings.

I love watching dolphin movies because I like the way they do tricks in the air, and I think they’re very intelligent creature.

Coral World already has a swim-with-animals attraction. The sea lion swim opened in 2007 and is very successful. The dolphins that Coral World plans to buy already live in captivity. Several facilities across the Caribbean have breeding programs, and up to 10 dolphins at Coral World will come from one of those programs. Prior said the dolphin swim will probably start with six dolphins.

“We’ll build a natural and normal social group with these dolphins,” Coral World curator Lee Keller said. The exhibit will have a sanctuary where dolphins who are tired of company can retreat and have some alone time. The pen will also have a maternity area where pregnant dolphins can give birth. It will also have a liner that can filter water if the water in Water Bay becomes contaminated. “And we’ll be able to lift dolphins out of the water in case of a hurricane,” Prior added. The dolphins would remain inside of a building in transport boxes until the hurricane passes.

(Drawing of proposed dolphin swim area art courtesy of Coral World).


Some people claim that tourist will avoid the USVI if St. Thomas has a dolphin attraction. But it doesn’t affect the BVI and their tourism industry or the number of successful dolphin facilities in the Caribbean. Places like Jamaica, The Bahamas, Bermuda and Florida have dolphin habitats that are doing well. Coral World Ocean Park provides jobs for sixty-five employees and loses $600,000.00 a year operating the park. Coral World plan to add at least twenty-five new jobs, and need this new attraction to continue to be a resource to the local community and enhance what they offer to visitors.

Fiona Stuart believes that dolphins born in captivity will bite. “I strongly disagree because I don’t think they’re harmful animals,” argued Ayanna Miller, a Kean student argued. “Dolphins can bite in or out of captivity so it doesn’t really make a difference; it’s nurture not nature.”

If dolphins raised in captivity often bit people, there wouldn’t be any dolphin habitats across the world. I think that some people are against the dolphinarium in St. Thomas because Tortola already has a dolphin habitat. I believe St. Thomas needs one because it will save time for tourists and give them an opportunity to do more fun activities on island.

I was looking forward to the dolphinarium opening by 2013 since I leave for college in the year 2014. When I move up to Florida for college, I will make it a goal of mine to swim with dolphins.