-Orange House Wins Lunch League

By: Z D

Our lunch league started October 3, 2011 and ended on December 15, 2011. The Orange House came out victorious as our Lunch League winners. The team players included Jamoy Gumbs, Akiyo Nielle, Shaquille Robert, Shakeem Mead, “Lil Shaquil,” Dean Baptiste, Devonique Garald, Khaleeve Williams, Jenniya Toussaint, Jared Hanley, Lorron Henley, and Calvin Bartlette.

The five teams that played in the lunch league basketball tournament were the Blue House, Green House, Gold House, Orange House, and the Red House. The houses played on different days against one another. Each team, made up of at least fifteen players, put on a good show for hundreds of basketball lovers in the Kean gymnasium during lunch time. Some of the students on the Lunch League will continue to compete on the varsity team this season.

The players didn't have to worry about being all sweaty after they played. Mr. Peter Seipel, Kean’s athletic director, said, “Players would be able to shower after the games.”

Some students were curious to know why girls did not participate in the lunch league basketball tournament. Mr. Seipel said, “Girls were more than welcome to participate, but they were not comfortable.” One female did play for the Orange House.

There aren’t any real coaches in the Lunch League. The students created the plays themselves, and the teachers looked them over and made that sure everything was okay.

Some teachers were very happy that they had a Lunch League. “It is a good outlet for the kids, and at the same time they get exercise, and they learn teamwork,” said Mr. Cummings.

Mr. Joel Flemming came up with the idea of the Lunch League. The players were randomly separated into houses by the administration so that the students from the same neighborhoods would be switched up and play with students from other areas. So, for instance, students from St. John would have to play as a team with students from Smith Bay. They were no fights during the Lunch League tournament.

The school had upgraded their security in order to prevent any fights or vandalism from the student body, and players and fans kept their cool on and off the court.

Many students were very excited about the Lunch League. A senior said, “I think its quite exciting.”

Mr Peter Seipel

Students were also entertained this year by two Students vs. Teachers matches. The first Students vs. Teachers match was held on December 12, 2011 and the rematch was held on January 26, 2012. The teachers won both games by a couple points.

The teachers who participated in the games were Mr. Seipel, Mr. Benji, Mr. Monty, Mr. Francis, Mr. Douglas, Ms. Matthias, Ms. Stephens, Monitor Jackson, and Monitor Barnes.

Author’s note: The varsity season started in January, so come out to the games support our team. Attend as many Kean basketball games as you can. Let’s show other teams that the Ivanna Eudora Kean High School players are talented winners.