-New Senior Counselor Is On The Go

By:Shakima a.k.a Kima

“I think that it was divine intervention that I became a counselor at IEKHS,” said Ms.Scherillette Smith, the new senior counselor.

Ms.Smith came to Kean School after the 2011-2012 year began. She replaced Mrs. Nicole Dykes who moved to Georgia. Ms.Smith said, “I am enjoying my counseling experience thus far; the students are wonderful! Presently I am not receiving any challenges. The students that I have encountered at Ivanna Eudora Kean High School are caring and respectful.”

She has made some adjustments although she was a counselor already. “Working as a senior counselor is a new experience. The senior counselor is more career oriented, whereas I came from a counseling-based area. The students are presently anxious about their college preparation; therefore, most of all questions are coming from this area.”

This mother of four said her passion is to help young people, especially through the turbulent adolescent years. “ As a counselor I am able to give this help. I am presently a guidance counselor, but my aspiration is to become a psychologist and broaden my scope to assist all ages.”

The students are currently enjoying their time with Ms.Smith.

“From my experience with Ms. Smith, I find her to be a very friendly and out-going person,” said “Curly,” a Kean senior. “She is a very supportive and caring once it comes to individual’s feelings. This individual is very helpful and lends a helping hand in whatever way she can. As my counselor, she assists me with an ample amount of information about my classes and college-related deadline and events. She is like a parent to everyone who walks in her office. Upon entering her office, she makes you feel comfortable and welcome with the everlasting smile she always has spread across her face. She is very patient, real, and full of spirit.”

Nikkie, another senior, said, “Ms. Smith has a nice personality and she understands you like like how peers would do. For someone who had never been a senior counselor, she has been handling us and our college requirements in a very timely manner. We have built a bond with her that many counselors have taken years to build.”