-Death at the Hands of Step Father

by Vadal Eddy

Have you ever been abused by a parent, or even a step parent? If so, how many times has this occurred? Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child. According to ABC News, 10-year-old Abdifatah Mohamud was physically abused by his step-father for years. On April 17, 2012 he was beaten to death with a rolling pin.

Since 2010, young Ali had been making phone calls to the police reporting his stepfather's abuse. For details, please follow this link:


According to Detective DeGeorge, the main investigator behind the crime, “Four or five of those calls were for triggered alarms, one was for a street sign that fell in front of the house, one was a hang-up and two were for family disputes, including the fatal one.”

After duct-taping a sock in the boy's mouth and binding his hands with an electrical cord, the 41-year-old Ali Mohamud struck Abdifatah nearly 70 times with a baker's hardwood rolling pin, according to ABC News.

Principal Kevin Eberle, the boy’s elementary school principal, stated “Academically, he was just a great kid in the classroom. His grades were great.” The news of his death had been devastating to teachers and students.

I think the mother of ten-year-old Abdifatah should be placed in prison for allowing this abuse to go unheard of for years. No mother in their right mind would allow their child to be beaten by a spouse.

Mohamud, the stepfather, was arrested and faced second degree murder charges. He pleaded not guilty to second degree murder. A grand jury indicted Mohamud on June 31, 2012. The judge ordered Mohamud to be held without bail. A pre-trial conference was held on June 25th, and on November 15, 2012. Ali Mohamud was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

I find this very disturbing. I don’t understand why he would even plead not guilty for a crime that he committed. If you commit the crime, you must do the time.