Dynamite Rays Honor Veterans

Post date: Oct 14, 2011 6:39:04 PM

The Dynamite Rays Marching Band is back and ready for the 2011-2012 school year! So far the Dynamite Rays has played three places: at the Labor Day Parade in Smith Bay, at an assembly at Kean High, and at Kean’s homecoming football game.

”I feel that our band this year is pretty good in size and has done well so far," said Juan Martinez, a trombone player who has been with the band for two years.

People love the marching band because of their standout performance at the Battle of the Bands last spring. [See related article on this website under news and features.]

Compared to 2010, this year’s marching band is much bigger and has the potential to be better than last year's marching band.

The upcoming and most important event for the Dynamite Rays is the Veterans’ Day Parade on November 11, 2011 from Cancryn Jr. High to Emancipation Garden. This annual parade is dedicated to military veterans and troops now serving . Unlike most of the marching band’s public appearances , this parade is serious because it honors the fallen.