-Don't Step Out on Love

Don’t Step Out On Love

By: Precious

Look at 50 cent and Viveca Fox. Everyone thought that they were a match made in heaven, but what happens in front of the cameras isn't the same as what happens behind closed doors. Watching something so pure on camera is great. Who would've thought that Curtis Jackson, better known as 50 cent, would have pulled back from love.

The reason he cheated wasn't even for something that was worth doing it for. One night he and Vivica were at a party drinking, having a good time together. When a female walked into 50 cent’s presence, he looked but never turned his head. He just roamed with his eyes.

Interrupting the conversation that was going on, 50 cent went toward the bathroom. Well we all know Ms. Fox ain't no dummy. So she took it upon herself and followed him two minutes later. Imagine, 50 cent didn’t know this young lady’s name, but he was in the males bathroom with the door locked.

Ms. Fox didn't even knock. She stood by the door and waited for them to come out. As the door was opened, she asked, “How could you?”

50 cent was stunned; he couldn't even move, not even talk. The girl walked passed and said, “Excuse me, please.” She got what we call “the mean mug.”

Ms. Fox watched her from head to toe and walked off. Ms. Fox knew this girl ain't got nothing on her.

She turned back and asked him, “What were you thinking?”

He said, “Baby, what my eyes saw, my heart didn't beat for. But my eyes couldn't resist; I felt strongly attracted to her, I swear it was just me and her in this building because no one else mattered until I saw you.”

In other words he completely forgot about Vivica because he saw someone that he thought was more attractive than anyone. You see right there at that very moment he knew it was over between them, so he didn't even bother lying to her. The truth shall set you free, but not in this kind of situation.

50 cent cheated on Vivica Fox; he got caught, and it serves him right. Ladies and gentlemen, if you were in this position, what would your reaction have been?

I know some men would’ve told her, “It wasn't me,” or “We didn't do nothing.” Some ladies would’ve actually believed them.

When you know deep down in your heart you love someone, why cheat? If you’re looking at someone else that you know doesn't look better than your lover, just give your attention back to her/him. That will prevent you from cheating. Love with your heart, not with your eyes.