-Trails of Winning Dust Everywhere From IEKHS Lady Rays

By: Carmen Santana

"She shoots! she scores!" exclaimed the announcer as Kathleen Ludvig scored a miraculous three-pointer at the final buzzer at their game against Charlotte Amalie Lady Hawks on Monday March 5, 2012.

The Ivanna Eudora Kean High School girls’ basketball team is competitive with all schools and has been for many years, but Charlotte Amalie is their biggest rivals. Tearing down the roof on our sister island St. Croix, the IEKHS girls’ basketball team came in second place for the Central High School tournament, while Central came in first.

Still having that winning dust upon them, they came back and competed in our own Ivanna Eudora Kean tournament last month. Unfortunately for the girls, they came in second place while the boys took first place in the homecoming tournament.

"Our team has good potential, but when we lose, our [damaged] self esteem reflects in our games,” said point guard Kathleen Ludvig.

“The team is looking great for next year. It should be a very competitive season,” said Athletic Director of IEKHS Peter Seipel.

A Former Kean player competes with an aggressive Lady Hawk