-Dead and Unfair

Dead and Unfair…….

By: Lovely Bee

People are treated unfairly everyday, but in one particular case, the victim was dead. You’re probably wondering how a dead person can be treated unfairly. This case is unique.

A woman by the name of Janet Anderson was found dead in her home alone on St. Croix in March 2009, but she didn’t receive an autopsy for weeks, which she should have gotten right away. Less than a day later, VI Superior Court Judge Francis D’Eramo was found dead in his house, and he was given an autopsy right away. Judge D’Eramo was found hanging in his condominium, where he lived alone, on the morning he was to begin a murder trial involving a police officer. When Judge D’Eramo failed to show up, marshals tried to contact him, but were unsuccessful. Because he was to begin a controversial trial, officials had to prove that it was indeed a suicide and not a murder.

According to Justice Department Spokesperson Sara Lezama, in an April 19, 2010 article http://virginislandsdailynews.com/news/st-croix-family-who-waited-weeks-for-autopsy-wonders-why-another-waited-less-than-a-day-1.736009 in the Daily News, “D’Eramo’s death was a unique situation. His is the only case where an autopsy was ordered immediately… His death was an extraordinary circumstance, which called for an extraordinary measure.”

Extraordinary! What was so extraordinary about his death that Janet Anderson couldn’t receive special treatment as well? Coral Thompson, a sister of Janet Anderson and a St.Thomas resident, said, “I want to believe it’s who you know. They were quick to do his autopsy. He was a judge and they were acting fast on that.”

Why was Ms. Anderson pushed to the side while Judge D’Eramo had his autopsy performed?

Due to the fact that there was only one medical examiner at the moment, Janet Anderson couldn’t receive her autopsy “right away.” According to the article, “The Schneider Regional Medical Center Pathologist, Dr. Francisco Landron, who was the only medical examiner at the time of Janet Anderson’s death, is being paid full-time on St.Thomas, but on St.Croix he is being paid part time.” The article stated that Dr. D’Michelle Dupree quit as the medical examiner on St.Croix, so they had to rely on Landron. You’re probably wondering, what that has to do with Anderson’s wait?

According to the article, The Department of Justice was paying Landron to do these autopsies, but The Department of Justice can’t even afford to pay for this service. The March 2010 article also stated that they are looking for another Medical Examiner. Well, I say hurry up! All families deserve a speedy autopsy to have the body released for a proper burial. It’s hard enough to lose a loved one!