-Kean Girls Softball Undefeated

Kean softball team

Kean Girls Softball Undefeated

By: Precious

The Kean Girls Softball team won the district championship title when they wiped out the All Saints Lady Vikings on June 1, 2011 at the Joseph Aubain Ballpark. http://virginislandsdailynews.com/sports/kean-high-crushes-all-saints-to-clinch-st-thomas-varsity-softball-championship-1.1156071#axzz1Oh5p5bAS

The team captain for the last two years is Sharifa Malone. A graduating senior at Kean, she will play softball in her spare time while in college but will mostly focus on taking her courses for a culinary arts degree.

“I will attend either Johnson and Wales or Benedict College but have not applied to either. I was given a scholarship by Shaw University, but the school was destroyed in a tornado,” she said.

The Kean Lady Rays were undefeated in all 18 games played. Sharifa’s most memorable game was when they played the Charlotte Amalie High School Lady Hawks and she hit a home run, bringing home three players including herself. That game was played on Monday, April 26, 2010 at Griffith Ballpark.

She was motivated to come and win while also doing her best. “When I came to play, it’s either go hard or go home,” she said.

According to Sharifa, the upcoming players on the team are Akia Frett, Teniqua Martin and Kanikwa Ashley. “These girls show their leadership when they’re playing and they bring their all,” she said. As these athletes play on the field, she added, they play as a team; if someone messes up, everyone takes the blame.

Sharifa hit and home run in field.

Another memorable game for Sharifa was when the Kean Lady Rays played Antilles. She swung at the ball, almost hitting it over the gate, and the hit was called an infield home run. It would’ve been a first timer in the Virgin Islands for a varsity softball high school student to have made that happen.

“I know I can hit the ball over the fence, but I rather not have all the attention,” joked team member Reshima Wattley.

“That gate at Alvin Mcbean is very tall, and the ball is very heavy-- a really bad combination --but it was a powerful swing,” said Coach Lloyd Jackson. “These games are very intense at times.”

Akia runs straight home.

As six team members graduate in June 2011, the team and coach are looking forward to freshman Akia Frett and her outstanding performance to bring home another title for the Lady Rays.

In the Saints Peter and Paul game, Akia did not strike out, and with a magnificent hit, she ran from first all the way to home. She brought home Reshima Wattley who was on second base. Akia Frett says, “I just love playing ball, any kind of ball!”

The Kean Lady Rays practice three times a week and as everyone can see, their performance is outstanding. At every game Coach Lloyd says, “I have nothing to worry about; I know my girls have the potential and all the support they need.”