The Black Magi

There are five magi including a Rasputin-like figure and his four pupils, the youngest of which is only about 20. Since there are more children than there are magi, the leader intends to take two students, everyone else will claim one, and the remainder will be killed or sacrificed for vis.

The Leader

The leader of the black magi is a tall, darkly bearded, intimidating man with a piercing gaze. He appears to be in his fifties but is actually 115, having benefited from a longevity ritual. Grigori prefers to reinforce his leadership by giving his followers a steady stream of orders, so he is unlikely to touch or interact with the children himself until the climax of the story. He has a staff Talisman and a demonic black dog familiar which the PCs must trick or outwit to escape.

All of Grigori's casting totals assume he is using Chthonic magic to call upon dark powers, usually by cursing in the name of some devil or another. This is obvious to anyone who can understand Latin. He serves many functions for the group; in addition to being their primary teacher, he casts Aegis of the Hearth on their secret lair every year, helps heal their injuries with Purification of the Festering Wounds, and summons, communicates with, and binds occasional demons.

Grigori is protected from weapons by his staff, but if surprised by an enemy he will respond with Veil of Invisibility, use Wreaths of Foul Smoke, then summon a Wizard's Mount. If he believes he and his band can triumph without casualty, he has a wealth of combat magic, including Ball of Abyssal Flame, Coat of Flame, or Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart. Groups of attackers get Arc of Fiery Ribbons.

Grigori (in 1207)

Int +4, Per -1, Pre +2, Com +1, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik 0

Virtues: The Gift; Cthonic Magic (+3), Good Teacher, Great Intelligence, Improved Characteristics, Mild Aging, Piercing Gaze, Sense Holiness/Unholiness, Strong Willed

Flaws Outlaw Leader; Deal with the Devil (-3), Demonic Familiar, Lecherous (-3), Proud, Susceptible to Divine Power

Age 117 (55)

Size 0

Personality Traits Bold +3, Lecherous +3, Avaricious +1, Proud +1, Wrathful +1

Abilities (1,350) Alps Lore 3, Artes Liberales 3, Athletics 3 (hiking), Awareness 3 (standing watch), Brawl 3 (dodge), Chthonic Magic 5, Code of Hermes 1 (diabolism), Concentration 3 (spells), Folk Ken 3, Finesse 3, German 4, Guile 6 (seduction), Infernal Lore 6 (black magic), Intrigue 3 (complicated plots), Italian 5, Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Leadership 3 (Infernalists), Magic Theory 5, Order of Hermes Lore 1 (diabolism), Parma Magica 5 (Ignem), Penetration 5 (Vim), Philosophiae 3, Ride 3 (Magical hoses), Sense Holiness/Unholiness 4, Stealth 3 (getting away), Survival 3 (Alps), Teaching 8 (8) (Infernalists)

Arts (1,305): Cr 15, In 10, Mu 15, Pe 15, Re 10; An 10, Aq 10, Au 10, Co 15, He 10, Ig 15, Im 10, Me 10, Te 10, Vi 20

Spells Curse of the Ravenous Swarm +36 (CrAn 45, AM 117), Wizard's Mount +36 (CrAn 15, AM 117), Steed of Vengeance +36 (MuAn 35, AM 119), Wreaths of Foul Smoke +36 (CrAu 10, AM 125), Infernal Smoke of Death +36 (MuAu 40, AM 127), Purification of the Festering Wounds +46 (CrCo 20, AM 129), Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart +46 (PeCo 40, AM 133), Bane of the Decrepit Body +46 (PeCo 25, AM 133), Grip of the Choking Hand +46 (PeCo 25, AM 133), Wound that Weeps +46 (PeCo 15, AM 133), Ball of Abyssal Flame +49* (CrIg 35, AM 140), Arc of Fiery Ribbons +46 (CrIg 25, AM 140), Coat of Flame +40* (CrIg[Re] 25, AM 140), Pilum of Fire +49* (Mastery 2: Multiple Targets, Penetration), (CrIg 20, AM 140), Disguise of the Transformed Image +36 (MuIm 15, AM 146), Aura of Ennobled Presence +36 (MuIm 10, AM 145), Veil of Invisibility +36 (PeIm 20, AM 146), Weight of a Thousand Hells +36 (CrMe 25, AM 148), Visions of the Infernal Terrors +35* (ReMe 30, AM 152), Sulfurous Whispers +41 (InVi 30, RoP:I 121), Demon's Eternal Oblivion +41 (PeVi 15, AM 160), Lash of the Chastened Servant +46 (PeVi 15, RoP:I 122), Abjuration of the Hell-Sworn Spirit +45* (ReVi 30, RoP:I 122), Circular Ward Against Demons +45* (ReVi 30, AM 162), Aegis of the Hearth +45* (ReVi 25, AM 161), Command the Vile Spirit +45* (ReVi 20, RoP:I 122), Adjuration of the Hell-Sworn Spirit +45* (ReVi 15, RoP:I 122), Circular Ward Against Demons +45* (ReVi 15, AM 162), Gathering the Essence of the Beast +45* (ReVi 15, AM 162)

Equipment Staff talisman* (+4 to control things at a distance, +3 to project a bolt or other missile, enchanted with a constant ward against metal weapons), robes, winter clothing

Encumbrance 0

Soak +1 (+2 more against most forms, total +4 against Fire or Corpus, +5 against Vim)

Combat Init +0, Atk +0, Def +0, Dmg +0

Dodge Init +0, Def +4

Ball of Abyssal Flame Init +0, Dmg 1d10+30

Pilum of Fire Init +0, Dmg 1d10+20, 3 targets, Penetration 7

1205: Invents a disguise spell (MuIm) and gains Mastery 2 in Pilum of Fire.

1206: Teaches Hermia for a year. Gets 8 exposure XP.

Cerberus, Grigori's Familiar

Infernal Might 10

Size 0

Ferocity 1 (3)

Vis 2 pawns of Vim, one in each head

Cun 0, Per +2, Pre -6, Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +2

Virtues & Flaws Greater Infernal Power: Spit Fire, Ferocity: Against Captives, Improved Characteristics, Long Winded, Sharp Ears; Horrifying Appearance, Reckless, Corrupted Beast

Personality Traits Hatred of Magi +6, Hatred of Humans +5, Hatred of Self +3, Reckless +3, Vigilant +1

Abilities Athletics 4 (pursuit), Awareness 4 (keeping watch), Brawl 6 (bite), Hunt 4 (track by scent)

Spit Fire, 4 points, Init +6, Ignem. The hound may spit a bolt of fire at a single opponent for +15 damage. The hound can spit fire and bite separate targets in the same round.


Bite Init +2, Atk +11, Def +10, Dmg +5

Soak +2

Fatigue Levels OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)

The Evil Step Mother

Grigori's wife is a seductive raven-haired beauty who he found in a country home and lured to his side with promises of wealth, power, and status. She resents him because these promises have not been fulfilled, and she sees the children as potential weapons which she might train and befriend in her long-term effort to steal the cult away from her husband. She will feign love and affection for the children, trying to woo them into compliance, but her lack of real empathy will convince her they are falling for her charms even when they see through her. She is vain and her beauty is fading with age, making her jealous of the other woman in the cult, whom she rightly sees as a rival for Grigori's affection. She carries a dagger and her talisman is a wand. She appears to be in her early 40s but is older, having benefited from a longevity potion, and is really 72. She was recruited at the age of 22.

In a crisis, Caterina begins with Circling Winds of Protection. She uses Jupiter's Resounding Blow and Broom of the Winds to intimidate people without seriously injuring them. When she wants to kill an individual, she uses Incantation of the Lightning; groups of foes get Talons of the Wind.


Int +2, Per +1, Pre +1, Com +2 (1), Str -2 (1), Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik +1

Virtues The Gift; Gentle Gift (+3), Major Magical Focus: Weather (+3), Magic Sensitivity, Skilled Parens, Venus' Blessing, Well Traveled

Flaws Outcast; Ambitious, Envious (-3), Offensive to Animals, Study Requirement (-3), Susceptible to Divine Power

Age 72 (42)

Size 0

Personality Traits Jealous +3, Ambitious +2, Brave +1

Abilities (595) Alps Lore 2 (geography), Artes Liberales 1, Athletics 3 (hiking), Awareness 1 (standing watch), Brawl 1 (dagger), Charm 3, Etiquette 2 (first impressions), Folk Ken 3, Guile 3, Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Intrigue 3 (betrayal), Italian 3, Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Leadership 1 (infernalists), Magic Sensitivity 5, Magic Theory 3 (weather), Parma Magica 3 (Auram), Romansh 5, Stealth 3 (natural settings), Survival 2 (Alps), Teaching 3 (infernalists)

Arts (555) Cr 10, In 10, Mu 8 (7), Pe 10, Re 10; An 5, Aq 8, Au 10, Co 8, He 5, Ig 5, Im 5, Me 8, Te 5, Vi 10

Spells (265) Incantation of the Lightning +34* (CrAu 35, AM 126), Cloudless Sky Returned +30 (PeAu 30, AM 128), Clouds of Thunderous Might +30 (ReAq 30, AM 128), Clouds of Rain and Thunder +30 (CrAu 25, AM 126), Clouds of Summer Snow +30 (CrAu 25, AM 126), Circling Winds of Protection +30 (CrAu 20, AM 125), Quiet the Raging Wind +30 (PeAu 20, AM 128), Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow +30 (InAu 20, AM 127), Talons of the Wind +26 (MuAu 20, AM 127), Broom of the Winds +30 (CrAu 15, AM 125), Jupiter's Resounding Blow +30 (CrAu 10, AM 125), Ward Against Rain +30 (PeAu 10, AM 128), Air's Ghostly Form +30 (CrAu 5, AM 125)

Equipment Wand talisman (*+4 to project bolt or other missile), dagger, robes, winter clothing

Encumbrance 0

Soak 0 (+1 against most forms, +2 vs Air, Water, Corpus, Mentem and Vim)

Combat Init +1, Atk +1, Def +1, Dmg -2

Dagger Init +1, Atk +5, Def +3, Dmg +1

Dodge Init +1, Def +2

Incantation of the Lightning Init +1, Atk --, Def --, Dmg 1d10+30

Talons of the Wind Init +1, Atk --, Def --, Dmg 1d10+5

120+255+900+50+90=1,415 XP

The Big One

Grigori's largest student is called Magni. He is physically strong and powerful, about 35, and not an exceptionally talented magus. Nevertheless, he is proficient with Terram spells of battle and destruction and has mastered enough of the Arts to take an apprentice. He wears the pelt of a black wolf over his shoulders and carries a longaxe which he wields in two hands. He was taken in by the group when he was a young man of 15 and is their guide in the mountains.

Magni is a slow caster; all his formulaic and spontaneous spells take two rounds to cast. He usually just kills things with his axe.


Int 0, Per 0, Pre +1, Com -1, Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik 0

Virtues The Gift; Improved Characteristics, Large, Puissant Great Weapon, Tough, Warrior, Ways of the Mountains* (+3), Wilderness Sense

Flaws Outcast; Fish Out of Water (Mountains) (G), Pack Mentality (G), Rolling Stone (G), Slow Caster, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Wrathful (-3)

Age 35 (35)

Size +1

Personality Traits Quiet +3, Wrathful +3, Brave +2

Abilities (620) Alps Lore 5 (geography), Athletics 3 (hiking), Awareness 3 (keeping watch), Brawl 3 (dodge), Great Weapon 5+2 (Longaxe), Hunt 5 (track), Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Latin 3 (Hermetic usage), Magic Theory 1 (inventing spells), Parma Magica 3 (Terram), Romansh 5, Stealth 3 (natural areas), Survival 5 (Alps), Wilderness Sense 3 (hazards)

Arts (295) Cr 5, In 6 (1), Mu 5, Pe 5, Re 5; An 5, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 5, He 5, Ig 5, Im 5, Me 5, Te 12, Vi 5

Spells (105) Tracks of the Faerie Glow +20 (InTe 25, AM 153), Edge of the Razor +19 (ReTe 20, AM 154), Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier +19 (PeTe 20, AM 155), Pit of the Gaping Earth +19 (PeTe 15, AM 155), Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain +20 (InTe 15, AM 153), Rusted Decay of the Ten-Score Years +19 (PeTe 10, AM 155)

Equipment: Full metal scale armor, longaxe, winter clothing

Encumbrance 0 (total load 9, burden 3-3)

Combat Init 0, Atk +1, Def 0, Dmg +3

Longaxe Init +4, Atk +17*, Def +11*, Dmg +16^

Dodge Init 0, Def +4

Soak +12 (+1 more for most forms, total +15 against metal and stone)

* Combat totals include +3 Init, Atk, and Def bonus for Ways of the Mountains

* Combat total includes +2 damage for Edge of the Razor

120+150+600+50=920 XP

The Daughter

A redhead in her late 20s, Hermia is the younger woman in the band and is repulsed by Grigori even as she knows he covets her and is a sure route to more power. She knows Caterina will kill her before allowing herself to be supplanted, and she feels cornered. As for the children, she feels pity for them but is hardened by her life and own situation. It's a tough world and these kids are unlucky, but that's not her problem. Hermia's talent is for animal magic and shape-changing. She can adopt the form of a raven or wolf, so wears heavy but easily shed robes and carries no other gear. She was recruited into the group as a child at the age of 12 and takes care of the animals, which are not repulsed by her Gift.

Hermia's temperate nature has thwarted her demonic tutors, and she is the least sinful and evil of the band. They have punished her by withholding spontaneous magic from her, and use this to lure her into sin with mixed results.

In the years since 1205, Hermia has become instrumental to Grigori's plan to infiltrate the Midsummer Fair and steal two children for apprentices. She spent 1206 learning a spell which allows her to adopt the form of another person, and practiced her impersonation skills on her fellow magi and also villagers in the region. Then, in 1206, Grigori lavished her with attention, training her personally in all the Arts and improving her Parma. Awed by the new power at her command, Hermia is beginning to reconsider her revulsion at Grigori's advances.

Hermia (in 1207)

Int +1, Per +2, Pre +1, Com -1, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik +1

Virtues The Gift; Animal Ken, Inoffensive to Animals, Major Magical Focus: Shapeshifting (+3), Puissant Animal, Puissant Corpus, Puissant Muto

Flaws Outsider; Difficult Spontaneous Magic, Pessimistic, Susceptible to Divine Power, Temperate, Weak Spontaneous Magic (-3)

Age 30 (30)

Size 0

Personality Traits Pessimistic +3, Temperate +2, Brave +1

Abilities Alps Lore 3 (geography), Animal Handling 5, Animal Ken 4 (birds), Folk Ken 1 (1) (detecting lies), German 5, Guile 2 (impersonation), Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Latin 3 (hermetic usage), Magic Theory 1 (shape changing), Parma Magica 2 (Animal), Survival 3 (Alps)

Arts Cr 5, In 5, Mu 10+3, Pe 5, Re 5; An 8+3, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 8+3, He 5, Ig 5, Im 5, Me 5, Te 5, Vi 5

Spells Cloak of Black Feathers +36 (MuCo[An] 30, AM 131), Curse of Circe +36 (MuCo[An] 30, AM 131), Shape of the Woodland Prowler +36 (MuCo[An] 25, AM 131), Beast of Miniscule Proportions +36 (MuAn 20, AM 119), Beast of Outlandish Size +36 (MuAn 15, AM 119), Eyes of the Cat +36 (MuCo[An] 5, AM 131), Disguise of the New Visage +36 (MuCo 15, AM 131)

Equipment Winter robes

Encumbrance 0

Combat Init +1, Atk +1, Def +1, Dmg 0

Soak +1 (+1 against Fire, Plant, Earth and Mentem; total +4 against Animal and Corpus)

1205: A year learning Guile 2 and inventing Disguise of the New Visage.

1206: Grigori teaches her for a year. Each season, she gets 24 XP! That's 96 in one year!

The Young One

The youngest of Grigori's students is only 19 years old, but Grigori has told Gideon about traditional apprenticeship in the Order and he will claim to be 25 if the children ask. He has short, curly blond hair and a youthful face. He is fit, wearing leather armor and carrying a short sword. Because he is magically immune to the cold, he wears the lightest clothing by far. He has been with the group since he was a child of 8, wandering in the snow alive after a fierce blizzard.

Gideon is specialized in magic of ice and cold. He's unqualified to teach an apprentice, a fact Grigori knows, but he hopes to claim one anyway and keep the child as a servant while he completes his own training over the next five years.


Int +1, Per +1, Pre +1, Com 0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik +1

Virtues The Gift; Immunity to Cold, Major Magical Focus: Cold and Ice (+3), Method Caster, Warrior

Flaws Outsider; Creative Block, Pack Mentality (G), Raised in the Gutter (G), Susceptibility to Divine Power, Weak Personality (G)

Age 19 (19)

Size 0

Personality Traits Brave +1, Callous +1, Selfish +1

Abilities (365) Alpine Lore 3 (geography), Athletics 3 (hiking), Awareness 3 (keeping watch), Brawl 3 (dodge), Guile 1 (concealing his infernalism), Hunt 1 (track), Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Latin 3 (Hermetic usage), Magic Theory 1 (cold and ice), Parma Magica 1 (Ignem), Romansh 5, Single Weapon 3 (short sword), Stealth 3 (natural areas), Survival 3 (Alps)

Arts (120) Cr 6, Mu 6, Pe 6, Re 6; Aq 6, Ig 6

Spells (60) Conjuration of the Indubitable Cold +21 (PeIg 25, AM 142), Dagger of Ice +21 (CrAq 10, HoH:S 35), Shackles of the Frozen Ice +21 (ReAq 10, HoH:S 35), Winter's Icy Touch +21 (PeIg 10, AM 142), Closing the Campfire +21 (PeIg 5, A 46)

Equipment: Full leather scale armor, short sword

Encumbrance 1 (Total load 5, Burden 2-1)

Soak: +6

Combat Init +1, Atk +1, Def +1, Dmg +1

Short Sword Init +2, Atk +5, Def +3, Dmg +7

Dodge Init +1, Atk --, Def +5, Dmg --

Dagger of Ice +1, Atk --, Def --, Dmg 1d10+5

* Casting totals include a +3 bonus for Method Caster; Gideon loses this bonus if he uses unusual voice or gestures. Totals also include -1 Encumbrance penalty.

120+45+330+50=545 XP