Nonna, a servant

Nonna, a freed Ukrainian former slave, purchased from Alexandria

Age: 15 (in 1228, Born 1213)

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +1, Qik +1

Personality: Longs to See Homeland +3, Loyal to Polumeta +3, Infatuated with Maedoc +2, Protective of Sela +2, Friends with Akeem +1, Friends with Tadros +1, Lover of Leisure +1, Loyal to Samson -1

Virtues (+1): Covenfolk (0); Familiarity with the Fae (+1), Lesser Benediction: Fae conspire to help her romantically (+1, Faerie), Sharp Ears (+1).

Flaws (-3): Dutybound (-1), Foreign Upbringing (-1), Strabismus (as Missing Eye, -1).

Abilities: Animal Handling (Farm Animals) 1, Artes Liberales (Alphabets) 1, Athletics (Endurance) 2, Awareness (Hostile Men) 2, Carouse (Women) 2, Cor Draconis Lore (Commoners) 1 (9), Folk Ken (Peasants) 2, Guile (Peasants) 2, Latin (Understanding Orders) 5, Music (Singing) 1, Profession: Farmer (Root Vegetables) 2, Profession: Maidservant (Polumeta's Tower) 1 (7), Rus' Lore (Ukraine) 1, Slavonic (Ukrainian) 5, Survival (Foraging) 1, Swim (Rivers) 1, Theology: Christian (Orthodox Rites) 1.

Advancement: (as of end of Summer 1227)

1225: 48 XP in Latin from 0 to 3 (18), 6 XP in Profession: Maidservant from 0 to 1 (1). Profundus's seminars, service.

1226: 24 XP in Latin from 3 (18) to 4 (22), 6 XP in Profession: Maidservant from 1 (1) to 1 (7). Profundus's seminars, service.

1227: 24 XP in Latin from 4 (22) to 5, 6 XP in Artes Liberales from 0 to 1 (1), 14 XP in Cor Draconis Lore from 0 to 1 (9). Profundus's seminars, learning from Tadros.

Notes: Childhood (Animal Handling 1, Athletics 2, Music 1, Rus' Lore 1, Folk Ken 1, Survival 1, Swim 1), Native Language: Slavonic. Alphabets known: Cyrillic, Latin.