Run No.80 8 February 2015

投稿日: Feb 28, 2015 2:6:51 PM

Scribe:Cliff Hanger

Date: 8 Feb

Hares: Chotto-Matte-Ne, Frenchie

Start Time: 14:30

Start Location: Taura

Weather: Rain

Run Type: A-B

Hayama Hash House Harriers (4H) gathered for the February Hash at Taura station in the rain thanks to Hare’s Frenchie + Chotto Matte Ne aka “Ame Otoko” (Rain Man). Every time he hares it rains. Recommendation: No more haring for Chotto Matte Ne?! Anyway, the real hashers showed up and weathered the storm. It was suppose to be a Valentine’s Day hash theme but there were not many costumes, hearts or arrows. Maybe there was just no love in the air or Cupid was on holiday. Trail was A to B and hashers departed as the rain changed to a light sprinkle.

Hashers away after 14:30 and followed the heavily marked trail or at least that is what the hares where claiming (I beg to differ). First “Check Back” (CB) confused the lead hashers and allowed walkers to catch up and actually lead the trail. Nicely played. After sniffing out the true trail, hashers continued through the muddy hills and mountainside, carefully navigating through the technical course of small cliffs, slippery rocks and rope lines needed to climb up tough terrain. Very impressive course. “Turkey and Eagle” trails were laid but after such a tough mountain climb, not many hashers tackled the “Eagle” trail.

At the finish was well prepared homemade healthy snacks, American beer, hot cocoa (nice touch) and heart shaped cookies… I knew there was a Valentine’s Day theme somewhere. The hashers started trickling in all wet and muddy but smiles of enjoyment covered their faces as they finally arrived. “Ring Ring” of the cell phone was Crusader (that shortcutting bastard) whose shortcut actually failed him this time. He was lost and uncharacteristic of him, was the last hasher to arrive happily dressed with mud streaks down his pants. Did he fall? Say it isn’t so!! Great laughs had by all (see pics). Did I mention there was American beer? This is why we hash!!

On the train at Higashi-Zushi with beers in hand and a train car all to ourselves, 4H went one train stop to Zushi station for a highly anticipated On-On. There is no drinking on the train right?...but we are hashers through and through. The Okinawa restaurant (kukuru syokudo) was nestled away from the main road. The food was simply delicious and truly traditional Okinawan fare. These types of restaurants are what make “Hayama Lifestyle Hash” the best hash in Japan. After a few glasses of Awamori (25% alcohol), red wine and beer, the On-On became more festive and great time was had by all. We even had time to give “No Name Molly Beth” her hash name forever known as “Phil McCavity”.

This is all that I remember of the hash before I took my long train ride back home with beer in hand…hehehe. Great Hares, Remarkable Trail, Delicious Food, Splendid Beer, and Awesome comraderies among fellow hashers. One of the best hashes yet…thanks Frenchie + Chotto Matte Ne for all the hard work. It even stopped raining. I would hate to be the hare who follows next (March Hash), because they will have to do a lot to impress us now. ON-ON….