The Hayama Hash 10 th anniversary poem

投稿日: Jan 20, 2019 2:1:59 PM

Here is our 10th year of celebration

Many thanks to Sweetie and Fullerair's loving creation

Carefully planning routes that are a hasher delight

With steep mountain trails and Cliffhanger frights

A running drinking group also enjoying first rate food

And some hash names that some find rude

But who really minds with such good wine and beer

With such company full of great charm and cheer

To enjoy each season and nature at their best

and the greatest of people I do not jest

To hear wind whispering through the trees

Or see blades of grass bending with each and every breeze

Observing the wonder of each river, flowers and the sea

In good weather or bad we just let it be

So please raise your glasses and toast with me

Hayama hashes tenth anniversary

Santa Maria