Run No.140 9th Feburuary 2020

投稿日: Feb 12, 2020 11:31:56 AM

Scribe: Knocking Shop

Date: 9th Feburuary

Course: A to A

Weather: Sunny

Location: Odawara

Hares: H.G.V(Takeshi), Santa-Maria, Kim-Will-Run

Distance: Eagle 10KM, Turkey 7KM

Hashers: 12

After: Nomihodai

Following unreliable arrows from Odawara station February hashers gathered in the Odawara Joshi (いいえ、女子ではなく城址です)Park. This was one of a memorable hash led by a "missing hare", the here was there at the beginning but soon had disappeared (for some infection bash I believe). Umeshu Matsuri was held though an only smart hasher went up to the Honmaru to take a sip before going into the trail. Soon split to Turkey/Eagle, which I am always not interested in raptors. But witnessed two hashers saying "Wow these are BIIIG houses!!" I think they were looking for a target to rob. A dog barked. Salty winds licked my face. Learnt a new word: pebble. Local people who need to get their food were dropping lines into blue infinity. Kamaboko street, Odawara flourished as fishery harbor along Tokaido road, people here love to smash steamed fish and make gummy protein. We ended up at a mysterious Ido circle. Heard there was arrow to go round-and-round on Eagle trail maybe the hare loves round thing but couldn't ask because he was missing. Talky hashers debated about an early summer BBQ. Well balanced, historical, nice and fishy trail it was.