Run No.103 8 January 2017

投稿日: Jan 28, 2017 2:19:37 PM

Scribes: Wiggy and Frenchie

Hares: Lolita Bastard, Pussy Pad, Dekkaimono

Date: 9 January 2017

Start Time: 13:30

Start Location: JR Odawara Station

Weather: Crisp and sunny

Run Type: A to B

Hashers: about 30

Checks: a lot

It was a wet, dark and stormy Sunday afternoon, as we gathered in Hayama for the New Year's hash... No, that's not right. Let's try again!

It was a dry, bright and sunny Monday afternoon, as we gathered in Odawara for the New Year's hash. Some regulars (wimps) were absent due to "work duties", "coming of age ceremonies", or "illness"! However, this did not deter the hardy, plus the hares did a tremendous publicity campaign, enlisting a whole group of new to 4H hashers that they probably found loitering around the train station earlier in the day.

Without any fuss, the hares sent us off in search of the trail at 13.30 sharp, with the first section weaving us around Odawara Castle and the environs. After the castle, we were led through the back streets of the city, checking, checking back and snapping photos, before arriving at a hill and another check point. It was clear that the check would take us up the slope, but in which direction we were unsure. "Are you?"s were shouted across the area and after a suitable amount of faffing and losing people running off in the wrong direction, we found the trail that would lead us up, up, up and the energetic shouted, "On-on!" On our way to the Odawara Highlands, we passed through some wonderful mikan orchards; the pathways meandering through a sea of green and orange. We had quite a lot of time to appreciate the orchards, because the trail just continued climbing up and up, so we were not galloping along! Fortunately, as the weather was spectacular, we had some excellent views of Odawara and its bay to divert our minds from the pain in the legs. We made it to the summit without losing anyone and took joy in the descent, which fed us through slippery, moss covered cobbled paths, lined by weathered stone walls that retained yet more mikan orchards. After quite some time shuffling down the steep trail, we arrived at the coast and were led through the port where fishing boats were moored. We continued along the water's edge, sniffing for beer, but smelling only the sea breeze, until we were eventually brought back to the castle and the location of the circle. It took us between 90-120 minutes to arrive back and the hares were there to greet us with beer, snacks and "On-ins!"

The circle gathered and as usual, Sweetie gave a passionate speech in the tweeting style of a President-Elect - his words will be remembered for many hashes to come. FullerAir took time out from the circle to hold a business conference - it was a Monday after all! Wiggy and Frenchie said, "See y'all!" as they f@#ked off to the USA. The hares were chastised for organizing such a great hash trail. Everyone said their name. The usual.

The On-on took place at an izakaya not far from the train station. The hares did a superb coordinating the evening, making sure that everyone had what they needed. We were served some great fish and salad dishes and drank more beer, sake and wine and all was well with the world.

Thanks to all!
