Nut Torte with Honey Frosting
By Amy G.
1 1/2 cup Whole almonds OR 1 1/3 cup Almond flour
1/2 cup Honey
Pinch of vanilla
8 Egg whites
1. Preheat oven to 180oC.
2. Grind almonds to have almond flour. (I used almond flour previously made at home).
3. Add honey and vanilla to the almond flour and process until you have a thick heavy mixture. Set aside.
4. Beat the egg whites until very stiff. Whip in the almond honey mixture slowly and a little bit at a time, until thoroughly mixed.
5. Grease well 3 equal baking pans (I used 6" circular pans). Divide the mixture equally on the 3 pans. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until they turn golden brown, and when you insert a knife it comes out clean. Leave to cool.
Honey Frosting Recipe
2 Egg whites
1/2 cup Honey
Pinch of vanilla
1. Add the vanilla to the egg whites and beat well until very stiff.
2. Add honey in a very fine stream.
3. Use half of the frosting between the nut cake layers and for covering the combined torte. Pipe out the rest with a whip bag according to your taste.
N.B. Elaine heats the honey until she reaches a stage where a drop of the hot honey in a cold water forms a ball. I could never reach this stage. It gave me a bad smell from the hot honey. But of course it would be safer because of the egg whites. Some people don't like to eat "cold raw" egg whites. IF you could reach the stage Elaine talked about it would be marvelous. If not, then maybe you would like to warm the honey, or use it as I did.