Day 51 Prokaryotes

It is time for collaborative PowerPoints and presentations.

There are five power points.

-Quickly get into five groups (no more than 5 people per group, no less than two people)

You are going to pick one of these five topics about prokaryotes

The First Cells


Genetic Recombination

Prokaryote Diversity

Prokaryotes and the Biosphere

-Make a collaborative power point about it

-On Thursday present your topic to the class

-Dont only present your topic, teach your topic

-I am going to give the class a quiz on your presentation and the grade they get on the quiz will be added to your presentation not theirs

To help you I have started the powerpoints for you. You can change any of the things that I have done they are only ideas on how to start.

There are six computers in my class and only five groups. I expect you to spend the whole class time working on these so you will not have much homework to do. If you do not finish, the power points are collaborative and you can decide who does what from home but remember you have to teach it on Thursday.

Just click your topic and it will take you to the power point

If for some reason these links do not work on the portal then go to David Bird Science Prokaryotes and use them there

The First Cells


Genetic Recombination

Prokaryote Diversity

Prokaryotes and the Biosphere