Day 23 Sexual Reproduction and Cloning

Sexual Reproduction

    -There are two gametes that fuss together. This makes a genetically different organism

    -During mitosis the two cells are genetically identical but with sexual reproduction two different genetic         codes come together

    -Both the egg and sperm are haploid having only one set of chromosomes

    -When they come together they make one diploid cell

    -When the egg and sperm fuse together that cell is called a zygote

        -That cell then starts dividing through mitosis growing into a fetus

This is an optional video

As we will learn the most important aspect of sexual reproduction in a biological sense is that it creates diversity.

Discussion topics for Sex Ed

Cloning Whole Organisms

Cloning is a type of asexual reproduction where the offspring is genetically identical to the parent

How do we make clones?

Watch this video on how cloning works. Pay special attention to the process and be prepared to discuss it in class.

Class Discussion:

Lets talk about Dolly! Our first clone.

Can this be done with any type of animal?

    -For the most part yes!

How about a human?

Could we make a wooly mammoth? How about a Neanderthal?

Watch this video on how cloning a neanderthal would work. Pay special attention to the process and be prepared to discuss it in class.