Day 36 Biotechnology and Genetic Disorders

Genetic Disorders

Most common disorders

Class Activity:

You and a partner is going to pick one of the common genetic disorders. Read about it, and then write a short presentation where you explain your disorder to the class. You must explain the affects of the disorder, the treatments, and what type of mutation causes it.

DNA Sequencing:

23 and me

Biotechnology is the use, and especially the alteration, of organisms, cells, or biological molecules to produce food, drugs, or other goods

Some important terms in Biotechnology

-Genetic Engineering

-Deleting, adding, or changing the genes of an organism

-Recombinant DNA

-DNA that contains genes or portions of genes from another organism

-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)

-An organism that has been genetically engineered or genetically engineered to have recombinant DNA

GMO Sign Up Sheet

Recombinant DNA can happen naturally

-Bacteria naturally share DNA

-Bacteria will absorb DNA from their environment. This process is called Transformation

Another way that DNA can be transferred between species is through viruses

Humans also contain a lot of viral DNA. We acquire it over our lifetime

Virus life cycles

There are two different types

-Lytic Cycle- Where the cell makes viruses until the cell bursts

-Lysogenic Cycle- Where the DNA joins the cells DNA and stays dormant until it goes into the lytic cycle

How to make a genetically modified organism

-In order to make an organism with transgenic DNA we take the plasmid of a bacteria and place the gene we want in it.

-Once we have genetically engineered the plasmid, we insert it into the organism we are modifying.

We can make genetically modified humans by combining these techniques with cloning


-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a process where segments of DNA are copied

-If you are going to work with DNA you need to make lots of copies of it so you have a lot of it to work with

-A strand of DNA is placed in a tube with a couple primers, some free nucleotides, and a special DNA polymerase obtained from a bacteria/Archaea

-The DNA polymerase begins copying the DNA strand over and over until you have lots of copies of it

Gel Electrophoresis

-Gel Electrophoresis separates strands of DNA


-Short tandem Repeats

-Every human has STR DNA that does not code for anything. Most people have different lengths of STR. This is how we identify someones DNA

-We compare 13 different STR strands. If all 13 have the same length of nucleotides then we know it belongs to that person

-When we do Gel Electrophoresis it is the STR strands that we are sequencing.

-Restriction Enzymes

-A restriction enzyme is an enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific point

-We use restriction enzymes to cut the 13 different STR DNA strands

-Once we have the DNA strands we want we can place them in the Gel Electrophoresis chamber