Day 31 Blood Typing Lab

Blood bag on white background

Student Assessment:

Blood Typing Quiz

Student Lab and Group Work:

Blood typing is done by adding different antigens to blood. If the antigen has an affect on the blood, the blood will clump up.

-There are two types of blood antigen

-Antigen A

-Antigen B

The way we type blood

-There is a blood typing plate that we use that has 3 wells

-You place a drop of blood in each well

-You add a drop of antigen A to one well

-If the antigen A clumps then the blood is A, if it does not clump then the blood is not A

-You add a drop of antigen B to one well

-If the antigen B clumps then the blood is B, if it does not clump then the blood is not B

-If both clump the blood is AB

-If neither clump up then the blood is O

Now lets do a blood typing lab

Here is one of the blood type labs we will do.