Marine Biology, Water, and the Earth

What is Marine Biology?

   Marine Biology is the study of life in the oceans.

   Oceanography is the study of the ocean

What is science?

-What makes something science?

    –Natural causality is the principle that all events can be traced to natural causes

    –Natural laws apply to every time and place

    –Scientific inquiry is based on the assumption that people perceive natural events in similar ways

Watch this video on what is science. 

(Online Course instructions only) Create a box in your sketchbook, title it "what is science?" and take notes, write down questions you might have, and new examples you might think of. You may include any picture you like that represents the topic, including funny memes. 

The Scientific Method

-The Scientific Method





    -Experiment or observation



            Experiments need



    Experimental group


Class Activity

-What is the difference between a Hypothesis and a Theory?

    Get in groups of 4 and create a definition for each. Create an explanation that expresses their differences.

Watch this video on the scientific method. 

(Online Course instructions only) Create a box in your sketchbook, title it "the scientific method" and take notes, write down questions you might have, and new examples you might think of. You may include any picture you like that represents the topic, including funny memes. 

Biology is the study of life!

Watch this video on what makes something living. 

(Online Course instructions only) Create a box in your sketchbook, title it "what makes something living?" and take notes, write down questions you might have, and new examples you might think of. You may include any picture you like that represents the topic, including funny memes. 

    What makes something living?

        -Living things are composed of cells

        -Living things maintain homeostasis

        -Living things respond to stimuli from their environment

        -Living things acquire and use materials and energy from their environment

        -Living things grow

        -Living things reproduce themselves using DNA

        -Living things, as a whole, have the capacity to evolve


Is fire alive?

    -It responds to stimuli

    -It uses material and energy

    -It grows



Are Viruses alive?

Marine Biology is the study of life in the ocean but before we can start learning about the life in the ocean it is important to learn how the oceans were formed. We will also be learning about the characteristics of the Oceans.

The Water Planet

How many oceans are there? Can you name all the oceans?

There is only one ocean. From the south pole you can see they are all conected. 


"How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean" Arthur C. Clarke

-The ocean covers 71% of our planet

This is an optional video if you want to know more.

There are four large basins

    -The Pacific Basin

        -Which is the deepest and largest

            -64 Million mi^2

            -Mauriana Trench 10,994m


    -Atlantic Basin

        -33.4 Million mi^2

        -Puerto Rico Trench 8,605m


    -Indian Basin

        -28 Million mi^2

        -Java Trench 7,725m


    -Artic Basin

        -3.7 Million mi^2

        -Molloy Deep 5,608m

Old Earth

Watch this video on how old the earth is. 

(Online Course instructions only) Create a box in your sketchbook, title it "How Old is the Earth?" and take notes, write down questions you might have, and new examples you might think of. You may include any picture you like that represents the topic, including funny memes. 

-The earth is 4.6 billion years old

-Continental Crust is 3.8 billion years old


The continental crust is mostly made of Granite

If the earth is 4.6 billion years old and the continental crust is 3.8 billion years old, how old do you think the oceanic crust is?


Oceanic Crust is only 200 million years old


The oceanic crust is mostly made of Basalt which is much denser than Granite

Watch this video on how the oceans were formed. 

(Online Course instructions only) Create a box in your sketchbook, title it "How the oceans were formed" and take notes, write down questions you might have, and new examples you might think of. You may include any picture you like that represents the topic, including funny memes. 

This is an optional but cool video about the life of sand.