Growing Beans

Investigation Lab


-The purpose of this lab is to investigate which color of light plants grow best under


-Get into groups of 4

-Each group is going to pick a different color light bulb





-White light

-Each group will take a planting tray.

-You are to fill your tray with potting soil.

-Once the tray is filled with potting soil plant 3 beans in each of the 6 tray pods.

-To plant the beans push them 1inch into the soil

-Then set your tray on a table with your colored light 2 feet above of the tray

-Now water your plants

-One person from your group will have to water your beans every block 6

Lab Report:

-We are going to write a lab report based on the scientific method


-What have you observed about plants?


-What is the question you are trying to test

Prediction and Hypothesis:

-What do you predict will happen?

-What is your hypothesis?


-In this section you would research all you can about your topic before you conduct your experiment but I want us to conduct this experiment without any research. In stead I want you to write down your background knowledge on plants and photosynthesis


-How are you going to test your hypothesis?


-A methods section is a step by step (recipe style) description on how you are setting up your experiment. It needs to be written in a way that anyone who reads it can follow the same procedures in order to replicate your experiment.


-What are the variables that could affect


-How are you going to measure your data? What are you going to measure and what data would it take to support your hypothesis?

