Day 25 Marine Zones

Animal Test

Label your paper 1- 42

Ocean Zones

By light

-Photic Zone

-First 200m

-Aphotic Zone


Intertidal Zone

-Where the tides rise and recede

Neritic Zone (Where pelagic zone begins)

-Mostly on the continental shelf

Oceanic Zone

-Past the continental shelf and out in deep ocean

Zones by Depth (Pelagic Divisions)

-Epipelagic- 0m-200m

-Mesopelagic- Starts right after the continental crust drops off or


-Bethypelagic- 1000m-4000m Deepest zone unless there is an underwater canyon or abyss

-Abyssopelagic- 4000m-6000m The zone in an abyss

-Hadalpelagic/Hadopelagic- 6000m and deeper The zone in a crack

in a continental crust or lowest possible Pelagic zone. Named after
