Day 22 Mammals

Reptile and Bird Quiz

    Mammals (Class Mammalia)

Mammalian Characteristics    

     -Mammals are endothermic

    -Most are viviparous (Give live birth)

    -Have fur for warmth

    -Females have mammary glands and feed their young milk

    -Mammals have the largest brain to body weight ratio.

        -Their large brains have been one of the contributing factors to their success

    -Mammals are successful in all ecosystems on the planet

    -All mammals evolved on land. Even the ancestors of whales lived and walked on land.

Sea mammals also have other adaptations for living in the ocean with lungs

     -Marine mammals have myoglobin. Land mammals use hemoglobin to transport oxygen through their body

     -Marine mammals like dolphins use myoglobin because it can not only transport oxygen but it can store it

     -Marine mammals like the sperm whale can hold their breath for hours

     -Another marine mammal adaptation is while diving their heart only sends blood to vital organs and selectively ignores others

    Order Carnivora

            -Sea otters and Polar Bears


            Sea Otters (Common Name)

                -Otters lack blubber so they have very thick fur to keep themselves warm

                              -One square inch of their fur holds as much fur as an entire Labrador dog. 

                -Fur trappers capture them for their fur

                -The sea otter is the smallest marine mammal

Sea Otters

            Polar Bear (Common Name)

                -Polar Bears are semiaquatic, they have webbed paws and are great swimmers

                -They spend most of their time on drifting ice

                -They hunt and eat seals

    Order Pinnipedia (Pinnipeds)

        Seals, Sea Lions, and The Walrus

      -Pinnipeds have a paddle like flipper and need to rest on land

      -The Pinnipeds evolved from an early ancestor of the Order Carnivora (Cats, dogs, and bears)

      -Pinnepeds used to be in the order Carnivoria until they were given their own order.


        Seals (Common Name)

            -Seals have the largest amount of species for the pinnipeds

            -Seals have no external ears

            -The males have no external testicles

            -Rear flippers cannot move forward

            -Front flippers have claws and covered in fur

Watch this SciSHow video on Elephant Seals. Create a box or separate section in your sketchbook and title it "Elephant Seals". Take notes, write down anything you might find interesting and include a picture. 

Watch and enjoy this short video of a Jonathan Bird swimming with a leopard seal

This is an optional video about the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal

        Sea Lions (Common Name)

            -Have external ears

            -Have external testicles

            -Can rotate their rear flippers to face forward to support their weight while walking

            -Have no claws or fur on their flippers

  Walrus (Common Name)

            -Have huge tusks in the front (Male and Female)

                 -Was thought to help with eating but no evidence for this

                -Mostly used for fighting and anchoring to ice


        Order Sirenia

            -The Manatee

            -Called the sea cow

            -Believed to be related to elephants

            -Named after the Sirens, they were thought to be mermaids

            -Are herbivores. They mostly eat see grass 


    Order Cetaccea

        -Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

        -Convergent evolution

            -Cetacceans look like fish but did not evolve from them

            -The cetacceans were land mammals. That is why they have lungs

            -The cetacceans have four limbs as embryos

            -Cetacceans rear flipper is horizontal and fish have vertical rear flippers

            -Unlike most mammals the cetaccean nostril is not in the front of the face but on their back

                -Blow Hole

                -The cetacceans are mammals that never need to come on land

                -The blow hole helps them to breath with very little breach of the surface


Watch this PBS video on Whale Evolution. Create a box or separate section in your sketchbook and title it "Whale Evolution". Take notes, write down anything you might find interesting and include a picture. 

This is an optional but very interesting video on whale evolution


    -Ancestor of whales and dolphins

Baleen Whales (Toothless Whales)

                -Instead of teeth baleeen whales have fibrous plates called baleen

                -Baleen is made of keratin just like hair or nails

                -Water is taken into the mouth and then pushed back out through the baleen

                    -The baleen filters the water out but leaves the organic matter inside

                    -The whale then swallows the organic matter

                    -Most baleen whales eat krill

                -Baleen whales are the largest animals in the world

                    -A blue whale can be between 80 and 100ft

                    -One of the largest animals to ever live

Enjoy this short video where Jonathan Bird swims with a humpback whale and its baby

        Toothed Whales

            -These include all the other cetacceans, including dolphins

            -Because they have teeth they eat fish and squid

            -The largest is the sperm whale

pf0212-D. Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus).Photo Copyright © Brandon Cole. All rights reserved worldwide.  www.brandoncole.comThis photo is NOT free. It is NOT in the public domain. This photo is a Copyrighted Work, registered with the US Copyright Office. Rights to reproduction of photograph granted only upon payment in full of agreed upon licensing fee. Any use of this photo prior to such payment is an infringement of copyright and punishable by fines up to  $150,000 USD.Brandon ColeMARINE PHOTOGRAPHYhttp://www.brandoncole.comemail: brandoncole@msn.com4917 N. Boeing Rd.Spokane Valley, WA  99206  USAtel: 509-535-3489

            -The sperm whale was one of the most hunted

                -Its head is full of whale oil which was used for burning lamps

            -Sperm whales eat a lot of squid and undigested squid beaks and debris accumulate in their gut

                -They then throw up large globs of it called ambergis

                    -Ambergis is an ingredient in expensive perfume

            -A very popular toothed whale is the killer whale called an Orca

This is an optional but interesting video on why some orcas migrate

        Porpoise Vs Dolphin

            -A Porpoise is a small short nosed whale

            -A Dolphin can be identified by its long nose called a beak

Whales and dolphins can use echolocation