Day 21 Mammals

Crow video and bird's of paradise quiz

Class Mammalia (5,400 Species)

Mammalia Characteristics

-All mammals have mammary glands which they use to feed their young milk


-Scent glands

-Four chambered heart

-The skin of mammals is thick and protective

-Mammals have an insulating covering of hair

-Adaptations in teeth allow mammals to explore a wide variety of food

-Efficient systems for circulation and gas exchange support the high metabolic rate associated with mammalian endothermy

-Mammal blood does not have nuclei so it can fit through small capillaries and reach more parts of the body

-Expanded cerebral cortex that processes information from various sensory structures

-Metanephritic kidneys allow urea excretion with out much water loss

-Complex behavioral patterns enhance mammalian survival

-Most mammals are viviparous for internal fertilization and fetus development

-Mammals have ear bones that allow for enhanced hearing

-The most intelligent animal on the planet is a mammal

-Live in every possible type of habitat and all over the world

Group Activity:

Get into a group of 4. On a page of your sketchbook I want you to write down the name of a mammal. Then I want you to name other mammals that you think should go into the same group as that mammal.

For example:





Then name a different type of mammal and place animals in that group



House Cat

Fill your paper with a bunch of groups. Then I want you to label the features of those animals that placed them into that group. Why did you put those animals together? For example:

Horse Hooves/ bushy tail



Watch this intro mammals. Create a box in your sketchbook, title it "Mammals" and take notes, write down interesting things that you learn from the video and include an image in your sketchbook. Make sure you understand the characteristics of mammals and the three different types in the video.

Groups of Mammalia

Subclass Prototheria (First Beasts)

-Are oviparous (Lay eggs)

-Have Clobaca

Infraclass Ornithodelphia

-The monotremes

-All live in Australia

-The only extant egg laying mammals

Duckbill Platypus

The Echidna

This is an optional video

Subclass Theria (Beasts)

Infraclass Metatheria


-Primitive placenta

-Young are born early and then carried in a pouch that contains the nipples

-The Marsupials




Infraclass Eutheria

-Complex placenta

-Young develop to advanced stage before being born

-The Placentals

-Order Insectivora

-Small primitive mammals

-Hedgehogs, tenrecs, moles, shrews



Order Chiroptera

-Cosmopolitan, but especially abundant in the tropics

-Bones of the arm and hand are elongate and slender

-Flight membranes extend from the body between digits of forelimbs to the hindlimbs

-Most are insectivores but some are fruit eaters, fish eaters, and blood feeders

-The bats

Flying Fox

California Bat

Whispering Bats

Order Carnivora

-Predatory mammals

-Usually have a highly developed sense of smell and a large braincase

-Canine teeth well developed

-Dogs, cats, bears, raccoons, minks, foxes, sea lions, seals, walruses, otters




This is an optional video

This is an optional video

This is an optional video

Order Perissodactyla


-Axis of support passes through the third digit (their hoof is their middle finger)

-Skull usually elongated

-Primarily grazers

-Horses, rhinoceroses, zebras, tapirs



Order Artiodactyla


-Axis of support passes between third and fourth digit (their hooves are both their middle and fourth finger)

-Grazers (Except pigs)

-Pigs, hippopotamuses, camels, antelope, deer, sheep, giraffes, cattle



This is an optional video

Order Cetacea

-Streamlined, nearly hairless, and insulated by thick layers of fat

-Forelimbs modified into flippers

-Blowhole on top of skull

-Toothed whales and toothless whales



Order Xenarthra

-Incisors and canines absent

-Hindfoot has four toes

-Forelimb has three or two toes with large claws

-Anteaters, tree sloths, armadillos


Tree Sloth

Order Lagomorpha

-Two pairs of upper incisors

-One pair of lower incisors

-Incisors do not stop growing

-Rabbits and pikas



Order Rodentia

-One pair of upper and lower incisors

-Incisors do not stop growing

-Squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice, beavers, porcupines, woodchucks, lemmings



Flying Squirrel

Order Primates

-Agility in arboreal habitats

-Omnivorous diets

-Specialized teeth

-Grasping digits

-Freely moving limbs

-Nails on digits

-Reduced nasal cavity

-Enlarged stereoscopic eyes and cerebral hemispheres

-Lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, gibbons, great apes


Capuchin Monkey


Western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) mother feeding with baby investigating grass. Captive, France


Order Proboscidea

-Long muscular proboscis (trunk)




This is an optional video

This is an optional video if you are interested in the sounds elephants make.

Order Sirenia

-Large aquatic herbivores

-Forelimbs are flippers

-Hindlimbs are vestigial

-Manatees and dugongs


These last two orders of mammals are very small, only containing a few species

Order Pholidota

-Large hard scales that cover the body

-Can roll up for protection

-Mostly eat termites

-Can spray a pungent acid from a gland like a skunk

-The Pangolins

This is an optional but important video

This is an optional video if you are interested in learning more about the pangolin

Order Tubulidentata

-The teeth have a structure known as tubulidentate

-The aardvark