Fish Systems Assignment

Each person or group is going to choose a different system. Here are the 11 systems to choose from

Organ systems

Integumentary system

Skin, hair, nails

Nervous system

Brain, spinal cord, nerves

Endocrine system

Hormone-secreting glands (pituitary, thyroid, adrenals)

Skeletal system

Bones, cartilages

Muscular system

Skeletal muscles

Circulatory system

Heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels

Immune system

Bone marrow, lymphoid organs

Respiratory system

Lungs, Airways

Urinary system

Kidneys, ureters, urethra

Digestive system

Mouth, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

Reproductive system

Gonads, external genitalia, associated glans and ducts

Your assignment is to draw a fish in your sketchbook. Draw your system within that fish. You will use this page as a visual aid when you present. You are also encouraged to project a picture of your system on the board when you present.

You need to list all the organs involved in your system and then explain their function. The goal of this assignment is to educate the class on the functions of the organs. You also need to explain anything special about the way fish organs function compared to other animals.

Cam Kadenacy

Kate Terbush