
An Earthling is an organism from the planet earth. We are all earthlings, the plants, the animals, and us. We should treat our fellow earthlings with the respect they deserve.

Today we are watching the film "Earthlings"

This film is very graphic and contains disturbing images of animals being slaughtered. At any point you are free to step out of the classroom and get some fresh air. You do not need to ask permission.

It is okay to put your head down and close your eyes but it is not okay to play with your phone.


During the video I would like you to write in your sketchbook. Title the page "Earthlings". Use this page as notes. As the film is playing write down how you feel. If you see a scene that makes you angry write that down. Write down why it makes you angry. There is no right or wrong response. This is just a place for your emotions.

After the film we will have a class discussion and we will talk about the political ways you can address the emotions you wrote in your sketchbook.

Earthlings Video

Class Discussion:


Almost everyone would agree that this is horrible so why does it continue?

Most of the efforts to end livestock animal abuse fail! One reason is that all of the people pushing this message are also pushing vegetarianism. PETA says that the only way to end this abuse is to become a vegetarian. Most Americans love their meat. We do not want to become vegetarians so if the only way to end the cruelty is to become a vegetarian then most people choose to ignore the abuse.

This does not have to be the case. We do not have to abuse the animals we eat. We can raise them in a nice environment and then kill them in a humane way. This would be a more successful campaign.

There are also many political and economical reasons. Farmers want to raise and kill the animals in the cheapest way possible.

Write down your feelings towards these topics and explain your opinion:


Leather and Fur:

Animals in Entertainment: