The Real Roseanne Show

Hey, you know "Roseanne's Nuts," right? But did you know that since her sitcom ended she's had a TV talk show and two reality shows? Didn't think so since apparently nobody watched any of them. But the weirdest had to be when Roseanne (Barr-Pentland-Arnold-Thomas-Argent) appeared in 2003's "The Real Roseanne Show," which chronicled the making of her cooking show, "Domestic Goddess." Thing is, "Domestic Goddess" never aired... and "The Real Roseanne Show" only lasted two weeks.

The original plan was that "The Real Roseanne Show" would air in hour-long blocks over six weeks on ABC from August-September 2003, and "Domestic Goddess" would debut on ABC Family immediately following. Unfortunately, there was no clear concept to "Domestic Goddess," as is painfully evident in "The Real Roseanne Show." Roseanne decided "Domestic Goddess" had to be reworked before it could be aired, but the kibosh was put on both shows when she announced she needed time off for a hysterectomy. 13 episodes were filmed but only two hourlong blocks of "The Real Roseanne Show" were broadcast before ABC pulled the plug. Oddly, all 13 episodes of "The Real Roseanne Show" appear to have been broadcast outside of the USA.

Since only four episodes were broadcast of "The Real Roseanne Show," it was immediately forgotten but became an interesting preamble.... The 2003 series came at the beginning of Barr's relationship with songwriter Johnny Argent, who was still around for her 2011 reality show "Roseanne's Nuts." Roseanne's son Jake and son-in-law Jeff were the inept producers of "Domestic Goddess," and other friends and family members appeared in both series, including Colleen Camp and Sandra Bernhard -- though episodes of the 2003 series featuring John Goodman, Phyllis Diller and Bonnie Bramlett never aired. If the four episodes are any indication, this is a show during the making of which everyone was angry... and everyone was crazy. Would be nice if the rest of the show would surface someday.




"So lights, camera, shut the f*** up! It's time for Roseanne Barr!"

1. Roseanne Unbarred

2. Kinder, Gentler, Hungrier

3. What's the Pitch?

4. Where's the Doughnuts?

5. Stalking Brando

6. We Are Family

7. Raising the Barr

8. I'm Not Roseanne Conner

9. No Holds Barred

10. Something's Cookin

11. Book 'em

12. Recipe for Disaster

13. Domestic Goddess
