Nocturna: Story

Transylvania, 1979 -- Hard times have fallen upon the house of Dracula and to help pay the taxes on the ancestral castle, it has been converted into the Hotel Transylvania. The manager of the hotel is the beautiful and sensuous Nocturna (NAI BONET), granddaughter of the original Count (JOHN CARRADINE) who still resides in the crypt deep in the sub-basement of the establishment.

In order to increase business and the supply of fresh blood at the hotel, Nocturna book an American rock group to entertain in the hotel's cabaret, The Claret Room. While listening to the group rehearse their music, Nocturna experiences strange sensations which she has never felt before. At the same time, she is attracted to a handsome musician in the group named Jimmy (TONY HAMILTON). Soon they are having a passionate love affair, but the music that plays as they make love prevents her from making him another victim of her vampire's blood-lust. The music continues the strange transformation of Nocturna who sees her reflected image for the first time while dancing .

Deeply in love with Jimmy, she disregards grandfather Dracula's advice, and runs away to America with him, making sure they arrive by a night flight. When they arrive in New York she leaves the disappointed Jimmy , and seeks out the crypt of Jugulia Vein (YVONNE DE CARLO), an old love of Count Dracula's,who lives underneath the Brooklyn Bridge.

Nocturna goes to a disco to meet Jimmy where she is transformed a gain by the soul-stirring powers of the music and all the other dancers join them in a fantastic erotic dance.

Meanwhile, back at Jugulia's crypt, Count Dracula has appeared with his henchman Theodore (BROTHER THEODORE), and has placed Jugulia under a spell forcing her to disclose the whereabouts of Jimmy 's apartment. He orders his henchman to bring back Nocturna and to do as he wishes with her human lover. Theodore captures Nocturna and brings her back to Jimmy's apartment tied inside a black bag. Theodore is about to take Jimmy's blood when Nocturna manages to rip through the bag and pounce upon the cringing Theodore with her fearful fangs.

Theodore drags his broken body back to Jugulia's crypt and informs his master that he has failed. Jugulia leads them to the disco hoping to change Count Dracula's mind when he sees how happy his granddaughter is. However the Count is infuriated when he sees Nocturna dancing with Jimmy. He places him under his evil spell as well as all the dancers in the disco.

To save her lover's life, Nocturna agrees to leave with her grandfather and return to Transylvania. Jugulia, a romantic at heart, releases Jimmy from his trance. He is determined to risk his life to save Nocturna and rushes out of the disco.

Before Count Dracula can destroy him, he rips an electrically lit "T" from the sign of the disco and advances towards the infamous vampire with his improvised cross. Count Dracula shrieks in horror at the sight, transforms himself into a bat and flies off to the safety of Transylvania. Jugulia, who has other plans for the Count's fangs, also transforms into a bat and flies after him. Ultimately the aged vamps share a coffin on a flight back to Transylvania.

Nocturna feels that she is human now and decides to watch the sunrise for the first time. Although they both realize it may mean her death, they stand in each other's arms awaiting the first rays of sunlight. The sun's rays illuminate Nocturna's anxious face. She smiles a warm human smile at Jimmy, and they tenderly kiss.